For anyone who cares, here is the link to team 904, Fremont High School, and team 288’s (the Robo Dawgs) robots.
For anyone who cares, here is the link to team 904, Fremont High School, and team 288’s (the Robo Dawgs) robots.
Sorry, but the resolution is really bad (it is YouTube).
How is everyone else coming along on their robot? I’d love to see some videos.
Visit to watch some of my FRC/VEX videos. THANKS!
you guys are lucky your district doesnt block youtube…
Thats toldly awsome great to see it up…
Excellent video! Thank you for putting this together!!
Thanks a lot guys. Hopefully I will have another video up by Sunday. It will be of our “Meet 'n Compete” we are attending. Enjoy!
Sorry. No video from Saturday. I accidentally erased all of my videos on my camera.