948 Crescendo Strategy map

Here’s a field map our team made for the 2024 game!

It’s just a basic field, but you can add anything your team wants on it.

Drive link: Crescendo Field Map - Google Drive

Enjoy stratting!


Looks very nice!
Maybe you can add some additional information on top, like match number or team numbers of the alliances or additional scouting data, so that you know which teams are playing in your match and which robot is playing which role.
I think we will make something like this and print it on a polycarbonate plate or something similar.

Thanks, these are good ideas! I’ll try that and I’ll post a reply with update.

I’m very curious: how you guys print on a polycarb plate? We’re planning to print & laminate, then probably put on a clipboard, but polycarb sounds way cooler!

I don’t know if it’s polycarb for sure. One of our mentors (@Tijinn) has made these “see through material” strategy maps before. Worked very well last couple of seasons!
Let me know when you have a new version of the strategy map (would like to use your design, if that’s ok :smile:)

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We’ve used that system, it works well enough. Personally I’m a big fan of printing onto polycarbonate as it looks really good. Is slightly pricey for what you get tho (20 euros or so).

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Having a map for different periods of the game was also really helpful but usually a larger board is needed especially having separate auto and teleop so you don’t have lines eveywhere

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It’s been a while, but the OP link should have the version we are printing for our drive team. Feel free to use it!