94's 22 year blue banner drought ended!

Team 94 has never won a blue banner in 22 years. Beating our 21 year BB drought. They are currently on the #1 alliance with the #1 and #2 teams. There is a pretty good chance that their drought ends today. Congrats to them!!!

Update: 94 has won a blue banner!!! You guys deserved it!!! Being able to keep a team going for 22 years is no easy feat. Maybe this is the year we all break our droughts. Good luck to those of you competing in future weeks and again, congratulations to 94!!!


Way to jinx it man


It’s not over until it’s over.

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I knocked on wood, that should help.

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Congratulations 94.

We know that it is not about the Robot, and the fact that your team has maintained its participation in FIRST over your history without a Blue Banner speaks volumes about your mentors ability to see beyond success on the field and instead towards training young minds to think, create, and enjoy the experience.


Really inspiring. Really show you that no matter what as long as you keep trying you’ll reach your goals. Congratulations 94!

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IT helped!

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Congrats 94! Hopefully some other long banner droughts snap this year.

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Congrats on a long awaited win!

My quick reverse-jynx came in clutch


I am still a little baffled 94 didn’t get picked up earlier. Pretty consistent, robust, level 2 climb, and all around great to work with.


For sure. They should have gone in the first half of the second round at minimum. Our data had them 6th in overall hatch scoring with a consistent level 2 climb. They’re also a veteran team with years of playoff experience, so know how to work with alliance partners to develop and execute playoff-level strategy. 94 would’ve been a valuable pickup for pretty much any alliance as a second pick. 5531, the second pick of the 2nd alliance, was also a big steal. They were a top 5 or top 10 cargo ship ball scorer (which the playoffs were all about), and showed that they could play defense as well. The surprise for me is that the 3rd alliance of 2834 and 5436, two very competent and well-organized teams, didn’t opt for 94 or 5531.


My friend you need to learn a lot about scouting and even more about shooting your mouth off.

I was well aware of the joy in 94 finally winning. After their alliance easily won, I personally walked up to them and told them that they were about to get first blue banner ever. Most of the kids had no idea. I am overjoyed for watching their win and the banner celebration. Its the beauty of FIRST.

However that being said 2834 + 5436 along with Team 94 would had zero chance against the offensive juggernaut of The Killer Bees and The Robojackets. Outscoring them, quite simply wasn’t going to happen, they were the two best scoring robots on the field. A team able to score a few cargos wouldnt matter, so it appeared that solid, fair defense against the 1 alliance was going to be necessary.

And yes both the BlackHawks and the Cybercats were very proud of the performance of our 3rd pick, the Pershing Doughbots, who were by far the best defensive bot at the tournament. They pushed the Bees around in match 37. The fact they were still around when we picked gave us hope that we had a chance against the two top dogs. And the Doughbots not only were wonderful partners, but they played great. The fact that you implied that they were incompetent is frankly insulting.

Meanwhile, in regards to your other “competent and well organized” suggestion… the antics of team 5531 in all three games against us in the semifinals left a lot to be desired. Despite getting warned with their match one yellow card for initiating dehabiltating, damaging contact to our robot, their continued battlebots behavior resulted in many, many hundreds of dollars of damage to our robot. Even if they had been penalized with a second yellow for their cripple blow delivered in match 3, it wouldn’t have mattered as 2834 would have had to call in a backup for the final. They literally crushed our electronics, pneumatics, and climbing cylinders. I am praying the kids will be able to repair it all before Midland, otherwise no MSC.

Again though congratulations to the Killer Bees, The Robojackets, and especially the NinetyFourers.

You were all great champions.

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I stated my opinion. I don’t think it’s fair to criticise me for “shooting my mouth off” when a forum is literally a place for public discussion and debate. I respect your, and everyone else’s, right to voice their opinion, whatever it may be. I think you should respect mine as well.

I never said or suggested that they were incompetent. I pointed out that I believed there were two teams available who, in my opinion, were better choices, which has nothing to do with being competent or incompetent. In fact, I did not discuss 5478’s play at all, so I’m struggling to see how I’m implying that 5478 is incompetent. On the other hand, I would contend that you passing off 5531’s defence as “antics” and suggesting that it was dirty and unsportsmanlike implies that 5531 is incompetent more than I imply that 5478 is incompetent. But that’s neither here nor there.

Onto the actual topic. You are correct that 5478 was one of the best, if not the best, defensive robots. However, I would question the impact that defence had.

In the semifinals, alliance 2 managed to score 6-7 cargo in each match. That’s 1.3 less cargo on average scored than in alliance 2’s quarterfinal match-up. So, the defence had some impact. It is of note, though, that 5531, a relatively good cargo scorer, focused on cargo in quarterfinals, but on defence in semifinals, so the lower cargo score is also reflective of that.

In finals, alliance 2 scored 6 cargo in the first match, and only 4 in the second match, where 94 prevented them from scoring on an entire side of the cargo ship after sandstorm. That’s 2.5 less cargo than alliance 2 scored in quarterfinals, with the same note as in the semifinals.

I understand that each match has its own context, and perhaps in a vacuum, 5478 is a better defender than 94. However, the fact remains that 94 had a level 2 climb, which would have given alliance 3 access to 3 extra points that alliances 1 and 2 could not possibly get. The question is if the defensive advantage 5478 has over 94 compensates for the lack of a level 2 climb, and I think it does not.

Again, this is only my opinion, and you are free to have yours. Let’s agree to disagree, and not get personal over something like this.


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