971 Spartan Robotics 2017 Reveal Video!

Team 971 proudly presents our 2017 robot, which will be competing at the San Francisco and Silicon Valley regionals in California. Special thanks to everyone who made this robot possible! :slight_smile:

Here is our reveal video!

High Res Photo

Wow neat

Oh i’ve been waiting for this…

I thought 125’s hopper was complex O.o

OMG, 125 is evolving!

125 has evolved into…971!

Gotta ask though, from the picture and the video, it does look like the gatherer doesnt sit within the frame perimeter; unless it can go back further?

I like how you can hear someone saying “it’s actually pretty simple…” while the robot shows off that crazy hopper and turret :smiley:

Wait… are you counter-rotating the turret to compensate for the spinning feeder system? O.o

971 used Ultra-Singulate… It’s super effective!!

Dye Rotor 2 inspiration?

Props to everyone on 971 for a fantastic robot…

Double props to the programmers on making that turret stay stationary while the hopper is spinning…


Sorcery! Witchcraft!

The bumpers say 971… But where is the crazy appendage that flips out or deploys the game piece in a unique and overly complex way?

Looks awesome, I am sad I will not get to see this robot in person.

Awesome job! I can’t wait to see it compete this weekend!


Passive front gear mech? Or just so much stuff going on it’s hard to tell?

This robot is un-gp because it might hurt people’s feelings.

Wow guys, awesome robot. Wish I could see it in person!

Umm… gear mechanism? I NEED more info.