997 Hatch Mechanism

We don’t have a reveal yet but here are some pictures of our final hatch mechanism waiting to go onto out robot. Just finished being printed yesterday.

997 Hatch Grabber https://imgur.com/gallery/Xn4JJew


Flexures! 3D printing opens up so many unusual design options. I love your design, and I love that it looks like a spacecraft docking mechanism.

That looks like nylon SLS, am I right?

It looks fantastic!!!

How is the hatch released?

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Looks more like a jet engine than a hatch panel mech lmao.
Looks great either way, nice job!

HP Jet fusion, so better than SLS. SLS leaves a sintered part, this is 100% solid. It is made of Nylon-12

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When we have placed the hatch we extend a pancake cylinder and it releases that hatch and we drive away.

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Wow, that looks really cool! Out of curiosity, how much does it weight?

2.1lbs total

Center plunger is .8lb
Fingers are 0.5lb
Ring is 0.5lb
Then fasteners, cylinder and back plate are the rest.


997 Hatch Grabber photos part 2 https://imgur.com/gallery/01aMOui


Do all the pieces fit in one print bed? How long is the print?

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They wereall done in the same volume. Not sure the exact size of the volume however.

The physical print is fast but it takes 17 hours is for the cool down process. Part turn around is 2-3 days because this is getting added to part runs that hp is doing internally.

Half of our robot is made with this material/process. It’s super awesome (and absurdly strong). Can confirm part turn around is at least a day due to the cooling procedure.

Is this on HP printers?


Just FYI, most Plastic SLS systems are actually technically SLM or Selective Laser Melting where there is a full phase change resulting in parts of comparable relatively density to the HP jet fusion tech. There are also some neat tricks you can pull with a laser that are harder to do with jet fusion when it comes to getting fully dense parts.

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