A 1 Hybrid alliance?

i was thinking about a cool idea.
Let’s say that a given alliance has it’s hybrid mode to only cross lines with the IR system.
What happens if we program all 3 robots on that alliance to do exactly the same functions with exactly the same IR remote, and then 1 robocoach will control all 3 robots.
Imagine 3 robots driving together as one, how cool is that?!

it sounds kinda cool, but the problem with that is that all 3 robots would need to be 1) traveling at sycronized speed, and 2) programmed to treat the same command equally

I feel that it’s not really feasable >.<

Well if they were programmed to all do exactly the same thing and you hit the button to turn them, wouldnt they hit each other?

Through mathematical probability, yes this could theoretically happen… but experimentally, I don’t think you’ll ever see it.

Main problem I see: Most hybrid modes that use IR to drive are setting power values to their motors, not commanding control loops. So, basically everything in the drivetrain and electrical system will affect the speed these robots travel.

Cool idea though!
