Greetings CD,
Personally, I was very apprehensive about the switch to districts. The CHS community has a lot of learn, but from what i saw over the weekend, this is going to be awesome.
Some quick comments/thank-you’s/shout outs
346: Thanks for for seeing our potential. We were 7-5 and ranked where we were due to RP. We were hoping to get picked by a shooter and were ecstatic when you called our number. Then the arm broke! Your drivers were quick studies on defense. Without your wicked defense, we could never have carried the day.
**2534:**We have NO idea how you were left on the table when the snake came back around. You were the perfect addition to the alliance.
To both teams: You were both friendly, relaxed and drove your butts off. We would be your alliance partners anytime.
540: Congrats on winning yet another EI! It looked like you got your robot in hand towards the end of the Sunday. We will forward to seeing what you bring to Doswell.
422: Thanks for your support throughout the past few months. You are an excellent team. You are a role model team. We look forward to working with you in the future, both on and off the field.