A Couple Questions

  1. Are functions in the code such as autonomousPeriodic useless now that there is no official autonomous time? Is the robot considered always in teleop mode now?
  2. For corner bumpers, do we need our team number on each bumper?

Yes, I’m too lazy to look in the rulebook.

Thank you.

For bumpers your team number must be visible on each side (4 spots minimum).

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From what I understand the first 15 seconds will still run the autonomous periodic section of your code and then switch over to telop after that.

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•Sandstorm Coding

  • Mode - Despite the Sandstorm not truly being an “Autonomous” mode, all code (DS, robot code, etc.) will continue to refer to this period as “Autonomous” or “Auto” for continuity.
  • Mode Transitions - The field will transition through modes in the same way as prior seasons. Prior to the start of the match, robot’s will be in Disabled Mode. Once the match starts, they will transition to Autonomous Enabled mode. At the end of the Sandstorm, robots will briefly transition through Disabled (~.5s), if team’s are driving their robot with joysticks/gamepads at this time, there will be a noticeable hitch. Finally the robot will transition to Teleop Enabled mode for the remainder of the match until the buzzer sounds. When the match expires, the robot will return to Disabled mode.
  • Joystick Access - For this season only, joystick data will not be cached on the transition to Autonomous. Teams will be able to access updated joystick data throughout the Autonomous/Sandstorm period.
  • Game Data - There is no game data for the 2019 season.
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The bumpers don’t need numbers on each bumper. It just needs to be visible on that side. A lot of teams use the left bumper on that face for the first two numbers and the right bumper on that face for the last two numbers.


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Alot of teams split their numbers up between the bumpers. This looks like:

A team might also not want to split their numbers up. They could have the numbers be on 2 bumpers but on both sides of those bumpers. This could make it look like:

Exactly. This could be a decision that teams would make if they have less than 4 digits since their numbers wouldn’t evenly divide between the two bumpers.