a few techinal issues about the Kick-Off

Hi there! we are a team from Israel. Since First Israel cannot arrange a formal event on saturday, the event will be on sunday here… BUT we just can’t wait that day!
can you please tell me where can I find the link to the Kickoff webcast and the exact hours (in any local area time, just tell me which so I can convert to the time in Israel- GMT + 2).
Go Teams!
thank you, team Artemis, #3083.

It appears that the “official” link to the kickoff broadcast is not yet available, but all the information (as well as the link, once it is available) can be found at http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/content.aspx?id=418

Tune in here at 6:00 PM your time.


I may be wrong about the time but from EST to IST it should be from 20:30 military time (8:30pm) to 23:00 military time (11:00pm). The link to the site is listed in the link I’m giving you but it also has some more information about it on the page.
And good luck in competitions this year!

According to the NASA site its 1000 at -5 GMT so to +2 GMT would be 1700 hours which would be 5PM not 6PM

10AM - 12:30AM EST
5PM - 7:30PM IST


Well… do you want to see the game or the speeches? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Game but some people like the Speeches :wink:

Edit: According to here


KOP pickup is 11:30 EST which means broadcast is done, so NASA may have made a mistake (12:30 is when they leave the University, but pickup continues til 2PM so I am not sure)

Starts at 5PM for speeches, probably 6PM for the game itself

5-6:30PM seems to be the entire presentation, might go on to 7:30