Its summer and so instead of sitting here doing nothing i decided to brush up on my programming… mind you theres not much to brush up on. The problem i have is i have no code example to work with. What i am asking is to see a very very simple auto mode. Just something with the robot going right or left depending on the position of a switch. Something very simple! Any code will be appreciated. :ahh:
Don’t forget to check here:
oh wow… thankz a lot and all that time i didn’t know that was there… unfortunately I’m afraid that if i open that code the only thing I’m going to do is say… what?.. but heck il give it a shot… thankz!
Here are some sample autonomous styles.
The project is for the Robovation (formerly EDU) kit, but the auto files will work on the FRC as well.
If you look at my code (in a white paper), I have an infrastructure setup for several autons. The auton itself is a little daunting.
The zip is one of my earliest programs for the EDU. (For a simple tank-drive/skid-steer setup) (44.9 KB) (44.9 KB)