A new way to browse the FIRST website

Ever been frustrated by the number of clicks it takes to navigate to a team’s info page on the FIRST website? Or ever wanted to go directly to the Team Updates page but forgot that the URL is “http://www.usfirst.org/community/frc/content.aspx?id=450”? I sure have, especially when browsing on a mobile device (try typing “https://my.usfirst.org/myarea/index.lasso?page=teamlist&menu=false&year=2008&event_type=FRC” using the iPhone keyboard).

So, I spent a couple of hours one gloomy evening coding up a solution (okay, okay, it was a sunny afternoon, and I was trying to avoid doing schoolwork), and shelled out nine bucks for a domain.

Usage instructions: frclinks.com +

/t/[team number]
/team/[team number]
Go to the FIRST information page for the given team.

/w/[team number]
/website/[team number]
Go to the website of the given team.

Go to the list of all registered FRC teams.

/e/[event id]
/event/[event id]
Go to the team list for the given event ID (e.g. il, ny, wat).

Go to the Regional Events page.

Go to the Championship Event page.

Go to the Competition Manual page.

Go to the Team Updates page.

Go to Bill’s Blog.

So, for example, FRC Event Web : 2024 Season Event List would instantly redirect me to FIRST’s Regional Events page, while http://frclinks.com/w/47 would redirect me to a site that is strangely familiar.

This is all done using Google App Engine, an awesome, free platform that lets you easily develop web applications (using Python) and host them on Google’s infrastructure (I can’t recommend it enough if you’re into building web apps). I’m releasing the code under the BSD open-source license; you can get it here.

I’m sure I’m missing some useful links; let me know if you have any suggestions for additional shortcuts or general feedback.

Awesome work


My feature request of the day would be a link to the official FIRST web forum (in particular, I want the FRC Q&A). Maybe syntax like “http://frclinks.com/f/qa” (or just “FIRST FRC Q&A System”) would be appropriate?

I love it, and will recommend/use it often!

Good timing. With registration pending, the FIRST map is essentially useless (0 teams registered for everything). I was trying to find some past regional attendance data for a few teams (to figure out how Buckeye, Boston, NYC, Michigan changes might impact FLR attendance) but I couldn’t click into any team’s info page and or remember the string (page=teaminfo). (EDIT: if you go to FTC and click “Who are the teams from this area?” it displays all events and specifies year=2008, so that lists teams)

I would recommend improvements like /t/[state/providence/country abbreviation] to redirect to list of all teams in that area (t/de would show the list of 2 teams in Delaware). It will not work right now because no one is registered but it will be useful later. You might even want to add extras like /r at the end of /t/ or /e/ string to display only rookies in that area/event.

Mods: Can you sticky this thread? The more people know about this the better. More than once someone has asked me how I got a list with certain options out of FIRST’s site, only to tell them I learned the variables and typed it in.

Great job!! this is a much more efficient way to get official info on teams.

Pat, this is awesome! You are the man. I cant even explain how annoying I find it to navigate the FIRST site.


Totally awesome.

Maybe /e/s/[event] and /e/mr/[event] to pull up schedules and match results? I know those would be handy to use on a blackberry while at an event.

Great work.

Now we can finally use the FIRST website in a rational manner, the way websites are supposed to be used.

It’s too bad the people who designed the FIRST website in the first place made it so convoluted and full of worthless Javascript code. It wouldn’t be hard to implement mod_rewrite on the USFIRST.org servers to make breadcrumb-based page URLs.

Amazingly Efficient!

You could even market the use of them as “clinks” since your redirect site url lends itself to this brand or descriptor.

As in FR clinks.

It seems every new tech concept has some sort of branding.

P.S. since it’s out in public now “clinks” would fair game as a public domain “brand”.

AMAZING. You just made my day.

Okay, I’ve implemented some new “clinks” based on Tristan’s, Brian’s, and Karthik’s suggestions. There was a bit of a namespace collision for the short forms of schedule, (match) results, and rankings/standings, so if anyone has a better suggestion please speak up.

/t/[area id]
/team/[area id]
Go to the team list for the given area ID (e.g. CA-USA, ON-Canada).

/e/s/[event id]
/event/schedule/[event id]
Go to the qualification match schedule for the given event ID (e.g. il, ny, wat).

/e/m/[event id]
/event/matchresults/[event id]
Go to the qualification match results for the given event ID (e.g. il, ny, wat).

/e/r/[event id]
/event/rankings/[event id]
Go to the rankings for the given event ID (e.g. il, ny, wat).

Go to the FIRST forums.

Go to the Q&A forum.

Not to make it any easier for us end users…

but could the redirect server support a --form-- on the page

That we could enter the values into then hit enter?

I’ve bookmarked


and just type the argument ie w/47 in the address bar to work this way,

but it would be more intuitive to have an active entry box on the page.

additionally to make this even easier than it already is, in firefox (and possibly others) you can bookmark http://www.frclinks.com/%s then go to the bookmarks menu and right click your new bookmark, select “properties” and type “frc” in the keyword. You can now type in the address bar something like “frc t/330” which will redirect you http://www.firstlink.com/t/330 (which redirects you to the corresponding FIRST page)


Nice :wink: Firefox only though

chrome, ie and safari/win don’t

safari/win does allow a shortcut key but then back to clicking address bar and entering your arguments after the url


I just set IE 7 to use FRC Links as a search provider—so in the search box, with the appropriate search type selected, I type the desired parameters, and hit Enter.

To set this up, select “Find More Providers…” from the search box dropdown menu, enter “http://frclinks.frclinks.com/TEST” as the search string, and then call it something descriptive.

You can also do the same thing in Chrome ->

  1. Click the “wrench” toolbar button and choose Options
  2. On the General tab, click the “Manage” button under “Default Search”
  3. Click Add, then fill in the info:
    Name: FRCLinks
    Keyword: frc
    URL: http://frclinks.frclinks.com/%s

Is there a way to get information from a specific year using this? Lets say I wanted to see the list of teams who attended the 2007 Championship.

I might have over looked how to do this (and I can’t find the list on the FIRST site either…)


URL Code:


Replace year with whatever year you want in that string in the URL.
That works for every year from 2002* through the present (minus 2009 with no info yet of course.)

*2002 lacks a lot of data, but the team numbers are still there.