Soon (this year???) teams are going to have fortnite-themed names. How does this make everyone feel?
If i wanted reason to remove my eyes id just open tiktok.
What is Fortnite?
I think it is a misspelling of fortnight, which is two weeks or fourteen nights.
I googled it and found an online game.
Didn’t we get our fill of LARPing a few years back?
The saddest part is there are so many good names available like the Loot Llamas or the Battle Buses but what’s definitely going to happen is 37 different teams named Fortnite Bots.
fortnight is a game that 9-year-olds play obsessively, while pretending to be cool, and have real freinds
what’s really sad is one-day tic toc stars will become politicians if you don’t know what tic to is search it up on youtube.
If you thought the field timeouts were awkward before, I’m sure 2019 is going to raise everything to another level. By my calculations we will reach the cringe singularity by 2022.
Cringe is similar to velocity in that when it increases, time slows down.
Every time someone does a Fortnite dance during team intros, take a drink of your root beer. Finish your root beer if they floss all the way through autonomous.
(And yes, I meant root beer.)
With how well FIRST keeps up with the times musically, I imagine an influx of games themed around Double Dragon, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Space Invaders any day now, with manuals in 13375P34K.
Totes yeet, me hearties, and all that, fam.
im sure mentors want a real beer after seeing that cringe
I have checked TBA and there doesn’t seem to be any fortnite related names. (yet)
Maybe Elon will intervene…:yikes:
not if they want to wake up the next morning.
After seeing that, would you want to?
just think the sad day that we have
First Battle Royal ®
the game
Is this battlebots?