A question about rendering

Im looking to get a nice GI render of my model that looks like this: http://www.onnovanbraam.com/projects/alfaromeoes30/alfa-romeo-es30-004.jpg

but all i can come up with is this: http://sv2.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/attachment.php?postid=646401

its close, but not totally what im looking for. anyone have any ideas?

The site doesn’t allow linking to pictures, but here’s a link to the page for other viewers: http://www.onnovanbraam.com/index.php?m=portfolio&g=cars&id=es30&nr=3

I think you’re looking for a good texture, right? If so, try the following specs (If you’re using 3DSMAX at least):
Shading: Phong
Ambient: Black
Reflect: Black
Transparency: Black
Specular Color: White
Specular Level: 120
Glossiness: 60
Diffuse Map: Falloff

  • Color 1: Color of Car
  • Color 2: Black
  • Falloff Type: Fresnel
    Reflect Map: Falloff
  • Color 1: Black
  • Color 2: White
  • Falloff Type: Fresnel

If it’s lighting you’re looking for, and if you’re using 3DSMax, download the MaxScript called E-light. It creates an environment light dome that surrounds the object, makes a nice effect.

Nice model, BTW.

Ah, thanks a lot

No problem, good luck with your project.