A question about the Chief Delphi Invitational Kickoff Timeline...

Posted by Joe Johnson.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Engineer on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 10/7/99 11:47 PM MST

In planning for the Chief Delphi Invitational, we are trying to maximize the event for teams without killing anyone.

What do teams think about the following timeline?

Nov. 15: Game Rules and Field Description is made public via this web site. No details of the kit or robot construction rules are made public other than the ‘additional materials’ list (things like plywood, PVC pipe, etc.)

Nov. 22: Full kit is available for pick up for local teams and arrives via UPS for non-locals. Full kit list is made public allong with detailed construction rules.

Dec. 4: Competition Day


We hope that this will allow teams to think about the game and strategy for playing the game for a week before they have their ideas limited by the reality of an actually kit of materials. Also, it will allow teams to make any practice field type stuff (we promise not to make it too difficult to build) that they feel is necessary. Finally, it will allow teams to find sources for the additional material list before the clock is ticking.

With the addition of another high school as a partner, we think that the extra time is a benefit, but we want your input on this issue as well.

Now is your chance to influence us…

Joe J.

Posted by Raul.

Engineer on team #111, Wildstang, from Rolling Meadows & Wheeling HS and Motorola.

Posted on 10/8/99 11:36 AM MST

In Reply to: A question about the Chief Delphi Invitational Kickoff Timeline… posted by Joe Johnson on 10/7/99 11:47 PM MST:

Sounds like an excellent plan.

And,yes we are planning to participate. I also, like Bill Beatty said, will try to sit back as much as possible and let the students do all the work.


Posted by Ben.

Student on team #245, We’re still working on that one, from Rochester Adams HS and Siemens Automotive.

Posted on 10/13/99 8:54 PM MST

In Reply to: A question about the Chief Delphi Invitational Kickoff Timeline… posted by Joe Johnson on 10/7/99 11:47 PM MST:

well sounds PERRRRFECCCT to me, but then again most things do until after you try’em (debuging anyone?). Oh well, guinea pig again i guess? anyways Adams is gonna be there, and be there to have fun. Can’t wait to get back to building stuff. Thanks again for putting on this little soiree every year. Check ya guys later,

PS not sure, but you guys do have our check now right just no form?

Posted by Michael Martus.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Coach on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central H.S. and Delphi Automotives Systems.

Posted on 10/16/99 7:06 AM MST

In Reply to: Re: A question about the Chief Delphi Invitational Kickoff Timeline… posted by Ben on 10/13/99 8:54 PM MST:

Your team is all set. The fax should be there when you get to school on Monday.

Spots are filling fast, looks like a full event.