A way we can still have competition, with out actually having regionals

So it has been a few hours since FIRST suspended the entire season and canceled champs. And in that time I was thinking of ways we could still compete, without regionals. Here’s the idea:

We come up with a couple of different challenges and have a global leaderboard.(It would most likely be posted on Chief Delphi.) Keeping in mind that not every team has access to a field, most challenges would only require the tower and some tape for ground markings. This is also ideal because teams could do these challenges right in their own shop, so it wouldn’t risk exposing students to corona at a regional or other first events.

For example, one challenge could be Auto-

Whoever can make the highest scoring auto would be put into 1st place for auto. The second highest- 2nd place and so on. Teams would have to try and get a higher score to fight for 1st. To show that the robot can actually do this, teams would record their robot and then post it.

Some Challenges I thought up:

Highest Auto score: teams compete for the highest-scoring auto(Requires the tower, ground markings and power cells)

The highest amount of power cell points: Teams would compete for the highest amount of power cell point during a limited time. Balls would likely have to be set up in different areas than they would be in a regular match because not every team owns a field. However, there would have to be a definite starting position for the robot and definite power cells positions that teams would have to follow so that it is fair for everyone.(Requires tower and power cells)

Solo match: Teams compete in a way similar way to official matches except they would be the only ones playing. The match would be the same length, start with auto, then teleop, and then endgame. Their score would be posted and then ranked against other solos matches(Requires a half field)

Teams can participate in any challenge and they will be ranked so long as they have a recording that shows they did it.

Feel free to suggest challenges and remember that just because we cannot compete like we used to anymore doesn’t mean we can’t compete at all. We just have to do it in a different way.

If you are interested, I think we should start working on coming up with challenges and spreading the word to other teams.


Highest scoring fully autonomous solo match would be really cool, and a fantastic programming challenge.


I think this a possibility, but it may be difficult for teams to find enough space


As a team that doesn’t have a field, I can fully understand that. Which why I think most challenges should only require the tower.

Yeah, I had really high hopes for our auto this year and we were getting so close to perfecting. Earlier today, before we knew of the cancelation, the other programmers and I were planning on finishing on auto tomorrow. But now I think the topic will be a little different


What about districts? @title

I love this idea!

Ah! I tend to forget that districts exist sometimes. My team is one of the unlucky ones that doesn’t have a district. We go to our regionals and then worlds.


Some challenges I came up with that only require a tower or climb structure:

  • Fastest scoring of all 5 balls into outer port (fastest shooter)
  • Farthest 3 point shot
  • Fastest climb
  • Fastest 5-ball intake

The idea presented by the OP sounds really familiar.

I think we should use most of the same rules, but some of them will likely have to be changed so it is easier for teams to play.

Our team did something like this in 2013 for practice. This is the video. We had to travel about an hour to the nearest practice field back in those days.

Hope this could be a good example for other teams interested in doing something like this.

@Robby_Unruh is that an abandoned shopping mall?

kinda looks like it

Maybe we should give HQ a few days to try to sort things out. They are working on it. But it doesn’t come immediately.


Haha yup. Cincinnati Forest Fair Village. Ohio’s first ever state champs were held there later that same season. 1038 leased build space out of there until a couple of yrs ago.

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