During a recent update, a plugin was added to add tooltips on common abbreviations. If you would like to add any, post them in this thread.
The format:
TBA==The Blue Alliance
During a recent update, a plugin was added to add tooltips on common abbreviations. If you would like to add any, post them in this thread.
The format:
TBA==The Blue Alliance
PDHREV's Power Distribution Hub power distribution hub
PDPCTRE's Power Distribution Panel power distribution panel
VRMVoltage Regulator Module voltage regulator module
PWMPulse Width Modulation pulse width modulation
And to be nice
RTFD Read that fine documentation
RTFD/RTFM is obviously Read the FIRST documentation/manual
Is there any way to pull from the frc-docs glossary? I just added a bunch of terms there.
Edit: It looks like it may already be pulling from there as all of those above are tooltipped for me.
CAN==Controller Area Network
CIM==Chiaphua Industrial Motor
FTC==FIRST ® Tech Challenge
FLL==FIRST ® Lego League
VRC==Vex Robotics Competition
FRC==FIRST Robotics Competition
I2C==Inter-Integrated Circuit
RSL==Robot Signal Light
RPi==Raspberry Pi
DCMP==District Championship
FiT==FIRST in Texas
FiM==FIRST in Michigan
ISR==FIRST Israel District
FiN==FIRST in Indiana
CHS==FIRST Chesapeake District
FMA==FIRST Mid-Atlantic District
FiMo==FIRST in Missouri
PNW==Pacific Northwest District
PCH==Peachtree District
ONT==Ontario District
VSC==Visual Studio Code
LRI==Lead Robot Inspector
CSA==Control Systems Advisor
HQ==FIRST Headquarters
FMS==Field Management System
CD==Chief Delphi
FUN==First Updates Now
PCB==Printed Circuit Board
the bump==Cable Protector
PID==Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller
VI==Virtual Instrument - LabVIEW file format
teleop==teleoperated mode
auto==autonomous mode
E-STOP==emergency stop
A-STOP==autonomous stop
GP==Gracious Professionalism
RP==Ranking Point(s)
ADIS== ADIS16470
775==775 class motor
550==550 class motor
Week 0==unofficial competition week
NI==National Instruments
RIO==Reconfigurable Input/Output - commonly refers to RoboRIO or cRIO
holonomic==can rotate and translate simultaneously
kiwi==drivetrain with 3 omni wheels placed 120 ° apart
omni==wheel with rollers perpendicular to the axis of rotation
mecanum== wheel with rollers 45 ° to the axis of rotation
swerve==drivetrain in which wheels rotate independently
regolith==surface of 2008 Lunacy field
truss==aluminium tube based structural component commonly used in field pieces
WFA==Woodie Flowers Award
EI==Engineering Inspiration Award
Chairmen’s==Impact Award
PLA==Polylactic Acid
SLA==Sealed Lead-Acid Battery
PETG== Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol
ABS== Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
TPU== Thermoplastic Polyurethane
DP==size of gear teeth in mm
DS==Driver Station
tote== stackable plastic storage container
black tote==tote containing parts available to all teams
grey tote==tote containing core components and only available to rookie teams
worlds==FIRST world championship
water game==confirmed
I’m very anti the AMAndyMark abbreviation, as it is very likely to be capitalized just for emphasis.
Lol ngl
CIMChiaphua Industrial Motor==CIMChiaphua Industrial Motor
Cuz wtheck is a chiaphua?
Opinion on these? Just some common acronyms i’ve seen
NT==Network Tables
NT4==Network Tables 4
DIO==Digital Input Output
PH==REV Pneumatics Hub
FPGA==Field Programmable Gate Array
IMU==Inertial Measurement Unit
KOPKit of Parts==Kit of Parts
DC==Direct Current
Edit: it appears some of these already exist lol my b
I’m also anti-AMAndyMark, because its also working for the lowercase am… which is an incredibly common word
OPR==Offensive Power Rating, Calculated Contribution
EPA==Expected Points Added
DCMP==District Championship
caav==Aerospace Valley
azgl==Arizona East
azva==Arizona Valley
bcvi==Canadian Pacific
ilpe==Central Illinois
mose==Central Missouri
cafr==Central Valley
cabe==East Bay
nyli2==FIRST Long Island
qcmo==Festival de Robotique
nyro==Finger Lakes
ndgf==Great Northern
mokc==Greater Kansas City
paca==Greater Pittsburgh
oktu==Green Country
nysu==Hudson Valley
caph==Hueneme Port
mndu==Lake Superior
nvlv==Las Vegas
cala==Los Angeles
ohmv==Miami Valley
mnmi==Minnesota 10,000 Lakes
mnmi2==Minnesota Granite City
camb==Monterey Bay
nyny==New York City
nytr==New York Tech Valley
mndu2==Northern Lights
caoc==Orange County
mxpu==Regional Hermosillo
mxto==Regional Laguna
mxmo==Regional Monterrey
alhu==Rocket City
casd==San Diego
casf==San Francisco
wila==Seven Rivers
casj==Silicon Valley
tnkn==Smoky Mountains
flwp==South Florida
ausc==Southern Cross
mosl==St. Louis
cave==Ventura County
vaash==CHS Ashland VA
vabla==CHS Blacksburg VA
vafal==CHS Falls Church VA
vagle==CHS Glen Allen VA
mdowi==CHS Owings Mills MD
vapor==CHS Portsmouth VA
mdsev==CHS Severn MD
miann==FIM Ann Arbor
mibat==FIM Battle Creek
mibel==FIM Belleville
miber==FIM Berrien Springs
mimtp==FIM Central Michigan University
miesc==FIM Escanaba
mibkn==FIM Jackson at Columbia
miken==FIM Kentwood
miket==FIM Kettering University 1
mike2==FIM Kettering University 2
milsu==FIM LSSU
milac==FIM Lake City
milan==FIM Lansing
miliv==FIM Livonia
mimcc==FIM Macomb Community College
mimid==FIM Midland
mimil==FIM Milford
mimus==FIM Muskegon
midet==FIM Renaissance
misjo==FIM St. Joseph
mitvc==FIM Traverse City
mitry==FIM Troy 1
mitr2==FIM Troy 2
midtr==FIM Wayne State
miwmi==FIM West Michigan
mibro==FIM Woodhaven
incol==FIN Columbus
inmis==FIN Mishawaka
inpla==FIN Plainfield
ineva==FIN Washington
txama==FIT Amarillo
txbel==FIT Belton
txdal==FIT Dallas
txfor==FIT Fort Worth
txhou==FIT Houston
txkat==FIT Katy
txpla==FIT Plano
txsan==FIT San Antonio
txcle==FIT Space City @ Friendswood
txwac==FIT Waco
njall==FMA Allentown
paben==FMA Bensalem
pahat==FMA Hatboro-Horsham
njski==FMA Montgomery
njfla==FMA Mount Olive
njtab==FMA Seneca
paphi==FMA Springside Chestnut Hill
njwas==FMA Warren Hills
ncmec==FNC Mecklenburg County
ncwak==FNC Orange County
ncash==FNC UNC Asheville
ncpem==FNC UNC Pembroke
ncwa2==FNC Wake County
isde1==ISR 1
isde2==ISR 2
isde3==ISR 3
isde4==ISR 4
mabri==NE BSU
nhgrs==NE Granite State
mabos==NE Greater Boston
cthar==NE Hartford
marea==NE North Shore
melew==NE Pine Tree
nhdur==NE UNH
rikin==NE URI
mawor==NE WPI
ctwat==NE Waterbury
mawne==NE Western NE
onsca==ONT Centennial College
onosh==ONT Durham College
onbar==ONT Georgian
ontor==ONT Humber College
onham==ONT McMaster University
onnew==ONT Newmarket Complex
onnob==ONT North Bay
onwat==ONT University of Waterloo
onwin==ONT Windsor Essex Great Lakes
gaalb==PCH Albany
scand==PCH Anderson
gacar==PCH Carrollton
sccha==PCH Charleston
gadal==PCH Dalton
gagwi==PCH Gwinnett
waahs==PNW Auburn
wabon==PNW Bonney Lake
orore==PNW Clackamas Academy
wasno==PNW Glacier Peak
orsal==PNW Oregon State Fairgrounds
wasam==PNW Sammamish
wayak==PNW SunDome
orwil==PNW Wilsonville
chcmp==FIRST Chesapeake Championship
txcmp==FIRST In Texas Championship
incmp==FIRST Indiana State Championship
iscmp==FIRST Israel Championship
mrcmp==FIRST Mid-Atlantic Championship
nccmp==FIRST North Carolina State Championship
oncmp==FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship
micmp==FIRST in Michigan State Championship
necmp==New England FIRST Championship
pncmp==Pacific Northwest FIRST Championship
gacmp==Peachtree Championship
cmptx==FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition
(I pulled all the event codes from frc.link, they look to be all current, but another set of eyes on them would be great)
These are good but I can vouch that some of them should probably also be referred to by their colloquial name, for instance LSR / NLR are more common than mndu / mndu2
TIMS == Team Information Management System
OPR == Offensive Power Rating
DPR == Defensive Power Rating
CCWM == Calculated Contribution to Win Margin
VSCode == Visual Studio Code
This is a huge request, but
Team# = TeamName/Location for all teams
7457 = suPURDUEper Robotics, a team in FIN from Indianapolis, IN
The current solution of opening up the blue alliance works great, but it would be nice to not have to open another tab.
FIRST Team Numbers in the Wild! would beg to disagree
EWCP==East West Collaboration Project
RAP==NASA Robotics Alliance Project
off on a tangent…is there any way that octothorp-digit doesn’t turn into a silly hashag?
is the only way I know of
This is probably unrelated, but since abbrevations are about saving word counts, would it be possible to add a metric to imperial & imperial to metric converter when measurements are written in a certain format? I think engaging in build blogs and technical discussions would be much easier for many people.
BFL==Big Flashing Light (Equivalent to RSI/RSL)
FIRST==For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology
OPi==Orange Pi not a Raspberry Pi
To add to the district designations:
FNC==FIRST North Carolina District
NE==New England FIRST District
FRCFIRST Robotics Competition==For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology Robotics Competition