I am new to these simulations. I have some questions. I want to create a simulation but don’t know how to. Do I need to have a 3D drawing for my robot to put it in the simulator in Advantage Scope? Can anyone could give me a documentation about this and answer my questions? Thanks!
advantagescope has documentation on custom robot models here
Keep in mind that AdvantageScope is not a robot simulator, it can only visualize data that it published by the robot program. To run a robot simulation, you’ll need to implement physics simulators and use data injection or hardware abstraction in your robot code to switch between the real and simulated robots. The WPILib documentation on simulation is a decent starting point.
AdvantageScope includes many data visualization options, of which articulated robot models are the most complex and time-consuming to implement. I would recommend checking out the 2D field view, 2D mechanism view, and 3D visualizer for 2D mechanisms as starting points.
To add to the excellent points above, there is a project that did a physics sim [including collisions] of notes and 2 alliance and 3 opposing robots and a swerve robot that you can try out and start with.
We added our CAD model to that and used it for off-season drive practice and it definitely helped.