Wow, I Thank those of you who responded to my message about not doing FIRST with a team next year… They are really touching.
I guess that message sounded negative because I was trying to vent something off my chest. It’s been a challenging year for me, so I thought I would share that some of those comments with the people I know in here.
I believe I am going to follow the advices I got from the replies, which is to concentrate more in school work. However, I will continue doing FIRST next year, but a different level.
As I mentioned before, I felt that I can help a lot more teams than just one, that is why I am going to go around the area during the 6 weeks and meet the different teams around me. That way, I will be able to share what I learned from the 3 years in FIRST, and to tell those different teams what’s going on in this forum. After all, not as much west coast team know fully about this place, so I am going to promote it. One of my main goal will be to make the bonding between westcoast teams stronger, just like what the other side of the country is doing.
Also, I believe I will be volunteering at the California regionals to be tech inspector or other positions… And of course Kickoff is too big to not go to…
So, don’t think I am gone from this place, I will be posting just as much next season. But I assure all of you, I will be doing really well in school next year, I promise!