We switched to labview this year and tried to wire up the KOP accelerometer. We have tried running the example code for both SPI or I2C, however neither one works, even after triple checking the wiring. The SPI program returns -27.3 regardless of axis and movement, while the I2C program returns “ERROR <Code> -44095 occurred at The I2C sensor identification string did not match. The expected sensor is not at the address and bus specified. The sensor was expected to return “Address: 58” but instead returned “Sensor did not respond.”
FRC: Invalid I2C sensor ID.” We tried a different accelerometer, so it seems unlikely that both are broken. Any ideas?
There is an “accelerometer” example in there. Try running that before integrating it into your main robot code. If that doesn’t work, you probably burned out your accelerometer or wired it wrong.
Ours was DOA as well, same exact error. We’ve pretty much given up on it.