We used the default code, did the recommended checks at the end of the read me file. The program compiled with no errors, but when it downloaded to the RC, the program state led blinked red and the operator interface showed solid red code error.
We are using the Texas Instrument EX3LG20-15A accelerometer.
Immediately after the download we get a notepad pop up named error.mcp (see below for a sample)
Is this the code from frc_accelerometer.zip? If so, I just loaded the included accelerometer.hex file and it worked okay for me. Please go over to the IFI Forum and ask this same question. Frankly, I haven’t a clue what this error means.
That looks like a core dump to me. We ran into that frequently when loading code from older computers, or when using a usb to serial dongle. Have you tried loading the code from a newer/faster computer?
It is the exact code from frc_accelormeter.zip with no changes at all.
The laptop we use is either a pentium 3/4 (I’m not really sure) and its running Windows XP Pro. It also has an actual serial port so we aren’t using a converter.