Hello, I know there are other posts about this same topic, however I have not found just what I need. We are trying to set up the accelerometer and I believe that it is supposed to be connected to the Digital I/O Sidebus correct? Old manuals call for placement in the analog but from looking at it unless we have a Female to Female PWM adapter I don’t believe that it will connect to the driver station… I would be grateful if anyone can tell me how I should connect this. Thank you for any responses. ( I have already read the manuals available but ours has pins instead of small holes like in the manual… are the pins aupposed to be removed? They are soldered on I believe. )
The accelerometer and gyro boards should have been packaged together (actually connected to one another) in a small antistatic bag in your Kit of Parts. There should not have been any pins in the connector holes when you got it.
Aside from the pins, does your ADXL345 board match the picture in the Sensor Manual?
Last year, I did solder a header (“pins”) to the SCI connector of our accelerometer, and used two of the 2-pin “jumper cables” to connect it to the four SCI pins on the Digital Sidecar.
This year’s model comes with pins.
The KOP also came with a set of gray female-female 2-pin cables that can be used for hooking them up like Alan did last year.
If you are using labview, there is a nice example that shows how to wire and and program them (programming is nontrivial…).