'Accidently' ripping other robots apart

I heard that you can put pneumatic’s on the side of your robot to ‘bug’ the other person ‘accidently’ or even put on grappling arms used for other stuff and use them to ‘accidently’ cause the other person’s robot to not function and/or break apart.

Another rumor from contacts is that some people are actually building robots to mainly dystroy other robots ‘accidently’ with things like presurized shafts.

And one more thing…
in last year’s game, there were four robots working together, and the year before it was two. SOme say that this year it’s gonna be two on two. Anybody hear anything like that?

*Originally posted by Vipersna *
**I heard that you can put pneumatic’s on the side of your robot to ‘bug’ the other person ‘accidently’ or even put on grappling arms used for other stuff and use them to ‘accidently’ cause the other person’s robot to not function and/or break apart.

Another rumor from contacts is that some people are actually building robots to mainly dystroy other robots ‘accidently’ with things like presurized shafts.**

I seem to remember hearing a rumor that a team/robot can get disqualified (or maybe it was disabled) for “accidentally” damaging a robot.

**And one more thing…
in last year’s game, there were four robots working together, and the year before it was two. SOme say that this year it’s gonna be two on two. Anybody hear anything like that? **

Maybe this year it will be 8 teams cooperating.:eek:

*Originally posted by Vipersna *
**I heard that you can put pneumatic’s on the side of your robot to ‘bug’ the other person ‘accidently’ or even put on grappling arms used for other stuff and use them to ‘accidently’ cause the other person’s robot to not function and/or break apart.

Another rumor from contacts is that some people are actually building robots to mainly dystroy other robots ‘accidently’ with things like presurized shafts.

And one more thing…
in last year’s game, there were four robots working together, and the year before it was two. SOme say that this year it’s gonna be two on two. Anybody hear anything like that? **

If its noticeable like that, like a corner thats a bit too sharp, your team will be disqualified from the match and all matches thereafter until you fix the problem.

What is allowed are shoving matches, and pinning, but no intentional damage of robots (its the refs call on the intentional bit, and their calls are final–if you say something they just keep walking).

Two years ago, it was also two on two.

That doesn’t mean robots don’t get damaged. :cool:

<<Maybe this year it will be 8 teams cooperating.

Greg Ross


Well as I remember hearing it…
Same Innovation First boxes as last year (i.e 4 comp channels)

And in terms of speed of the game it almost has to be 2 against 2 (keeping in mind the 51 spots to go to Florida equate to 3 teams per regional (2 plus a spare))
So I would bet upwards of 5, no 6 dimes on a 2 on 2 competition.
What I won’t bet on is whether or not we will be able to interact with the opposing teams (picture a 3 foot high railing running the length of the field which we are not allowed to cross)
Actually I considered this for a while on my last long drive (15 hours plus)
Using the 3 foot barrier as a support for a goal like in 2000. where we can take balls out of an opponants goals as well as feed our own. Without the interaction (read hitting) that 2 on 2 seems to breed.
I liked 4 teams working together because it allowed our team to build a robot that didn’t have to be so bullet proof. But I look forward to head to head action again.

Well thats all from me

A rumor floating around is that you ARE going to need your robot to be bulletproof because it’s going to be contact, is what all the engineers and most of the senior robotic experts say. Just on the safe side, you might want to cover your chains.

*Originally posted by Vipersna *
**A rumor floating around is that you ARE going to need your robot to be bulletproof because it’s going to be contact, is what all the engineers and most of the senior robotic experts say. Just on the safe side, you might want to cover your chains. **

Contact as in the way of pushing and shoving matches and pinning, not “Oops, I accidentally ripped you chains, wires, motors, and battery out! Sorry!” ;).

Seriously…no offense to the judges at FIRST because they do do a good job, I’d rather not let them have any more judgement calls than I have to :D. (They always seem to be against you…)

Well I cant help but think that you are a rookie team, judging from your team number I think so.
My advice would be to stop thinking so much of battle bots and more of rugged streamlined scoreing machenes.

basically get the ideas of “weapons” and flippers outta your head and the rest of the ppl on the team.

What would problly be best is if you were to contact a veteran team and go check out their old bots, or find a tape of one of the past competitions.

youll learn about GP tomarrow.
this wasent a flame, more of a gracious sidebar talk.