for all of your accomplishments!
i recently got my braces off (i might post a picture later but dont count on it)
so post all of your accomplishments here.
for all of your accomplishments!
i recently got my braces off (i might post a picture later but dont count on it)
so post all of your accomplishments here.
Today’s accomplishments:
-Getting out of bed (which, mind you, is never guaranteed).
-Taking a hard-to-find, even-the-paint-is-about-three-weeks’-pay, $46,529 Buick Enclave on the open road unscathed. (I don’t have a habit of damaging cars at work, but that would be a particularly bad time to start one.)
-Devising a better way of showing the world that yes, said Enclave has two sunroofs. (Previously, I’d shot from the interior going out. The exterior-going-in shot just looks nicer.)
-Secured a step ladder to keep from having to shoot said sunroofs while holding the camera over my head and shooting blindly. (I shoot with a Nikon D60. Who needs live-view screens? :P)
That was all before lunch today.
Hmm…What have I accomplished today?
~Bruising my shins from climbing out of the pool more than 20 times in three hours
~Obtaining a parakeet, and naming him Kiwi
~“Fixing” a loudspeaker after watching 4 adults attempt to make it work. They weren’t smart and didn’t even thinking of checking the cord to make sure that IT wasn’t shot.
~Being called a brat for fixing said loudspeaker
~Changing my Facebook status 9 times in one day (long story short, my friend wondered if I actually could)
~Failing to work on my math assignment (Yes, that one is actually an accomplishment. I normally can’t get away without doing it)
~Remembering to take my vitamin
I have the feeling I accomplished a lot more today…yet, I have seem to forgotten what I have accomplished.
I just discovered a moon orbiting Regulus 279 in the Crab Nebula…it may support life.
Bites into Steakhouse burger
I helped
Let’s see… What’d I do lately…
I had the 10,000th post on the longest thread in CD history (I think).
Eh, it’s gotta be worth something. My summer hasn’t been exactly amazing thus far… Not bad, just not that fascinating.
Traveling through three states within about three hours of each other.
Staying on track with my summer running (XC FTW!!).
Starting my summer reading before the last week of summer.
Answering every question asked on the “Cash Cab: Shark Week Edition” correctly.
Seeing the Straight Talk Express in person.
Let’s see: - Not killing anybody during band practice.
- Not screaming bad things at people in band practice.
- Buying decorations that will most likely upset somebody.
- Got major distance pushing a friend in a rolling chair.
- Loaded the dishwasher.
- Made Koolaid.
- Played flute at a new level of loud.
That’s it for today. Not that great, but it’s the small things, right?
you arrogant punk! you either discover a star or you dont!
i went on a scavenge mission with my dad, my moms friend, his daughter and her boyfriend and dog and we got a bunch of landscape and paving stones and i got about 18 free rolls of nails. (a company was going out of business… so they geve all this out for free)
i also got some free 1.5" sch 40 pipe… i plan to make a nice potato cannon! and one day i could make one thats large enough to launch tee shirts…
-Waking up within an hour of my alarm’s scheduled time (beyond that, it stops going off…)
-Turning on my computer (soooo hard!)
-Learning basic GUI creation in Python
-Not having marching band until next week
I had a baby boy.
Well, my wife did most of the work, but I still take half credit.
congrats! whats his name?
I got a job at Circuit City yesterday!
I also consumed lots of Dr. Pepper.
(I haven’t posted on CD in forever, but this thread seems like an appropriate time to come back)
I pulled off a flawless synchronized swimming routine. I suppose that has to count for quite a bit.
And…I started packing for my upcoming vacation. Vacuum-packing everything saves A LOT of space.
Oh yeah, I cleaned my room, too. That’s a MAJOR accomplishment
My accomplishments?
Amazing Facebook Graffiti art. I don’t know if you’ll be able to see this but prepare to be amazed.
Whoa. How long did that take!? That’s amazing.
is amazed
You win the award for “most accomplished” today. That’s just AMAZING.
One of my photos was published in the Boston Globe today. I was called yesterday to photograph the band Extreme last night in Boston. It was a 9:15 assignment with a 10:00 deadline!
The online version of the review, plus my pic is here.
I think my other accomplishment would have to be accepting the fact my laptop is fried and needs the motherboard and video card replaced. That was a tough one to swallow!
shoop da woop!
that is awesome! that has to be one of the best shoop da woop jokes ever!
It took me a while. Probably three hours.
I don’t have anything to do at work, so I have to give myself something to do.
It’s a good thing all Flash applications have a zoom feature, or that Graffiti would not have been possible.
That’s all with a mouse, too.
My new accomplishment: Raising $570 for Child’s Play through a 48 hour Rock Band Marathon. See this thread.
i just got a free skateboard deck from beer city skateboards. i entered there monthly drawing and i got a nice board for free. (a black b6 board)