Has anyone had a build fail with a missing adc.h header file error even if this file is in the project you are compiling? Kindof stuck on this one. not to familiar with this compiler - we normally use visual c++.
Has anyone had a build fail with a missing adc.h header file error even if this file is in the project you are compiling? Kindof stuck on this one. not to familiar with this compiler - we normally use visual c++.
goto menu: project->build->project
change the 4th and 5th boxes to the path of your header file folder and library file folder (they should be under mcc18\bin\ or something
C:MCC18\h for Include Path
C:MCC18\lib for Library Path
Sorry to bring up a dead topic, but I still can’t get “adc.h” to be found. I have changed “C:MCC18h for Include Path” about a half a dozen times, and it still doesn’t work. I searched all the forums (I think), and I can’t find anything. I think I have compiled code before (not sure about this, but found code from about a year ago on an isolated laptop.) It is an isolated laptop, wasn’t used for competition, Win. 98, and the “adc.h” file exists cause I have found it on the hard disk. The code was based off the default code (maybe 2/24/04 default), the only changes were a lot of trimming in Default_Routines and a little new code in that routine. The complier says:
Executing: "c:mcc18binmcc18.exe" -p=18F8520 "MAIN.C" -fo="MAIN.o" -D_FRC_BOARD -Ou- -Ot- -Ob- -Op- -Or- -Od- -Opa-
C:Steven11_10_04ifi_aliases.h:18: unable to locate 'adc.h'
error 1 spawning c:mcc18bincpp18
Halting build on first failure as requested.
BUILD FAILED: Sat Nov 13 01:02:08 2004
Any Ideas?
I have C:\mcc18\lib and I think the problem may be the first \ after the drive designator. That first \ designates the root of your drive.
Let us know how you make out.
You appear to be missing ALL your ""'s.
It should have read:
Executing: "C:\mcc18\bin\mcc18.exe" -p=18F8520 "
Here’s a snapshot of the Project Options pop-up in question.
In a fury of patching our AdamBotsLive Linux code, I’ve ran into this error, too.
Another hint is to make sure you have no syntax errors around your #include statements – notably in main.c.
I have gotten errors like that, but usually I solve them by finding something wrong in the code I wrote(once a j on the top of the file(stupid reason) and once i declared variables wrongly… or twice, cant remember), but never bothered to find why exactly it caused that error to relate to adc.h… but all I can tell you is, you dont wanna touch any of the files in the mcc18 folder…
oh my goodness, this is what heppend to our stinking code at western michigan! BE careful, you might fry your computer… Luckily First provided us with another one because it was not our fault. I hope it goes well, i just imported it form another team.
#include “ifi_aliases.h”
#include <adc.h>
adc.h is the first line the compiler sees.