My team received the ADIS16448 gyro from FIRST Choice this year. I would like to use the library. It gives me a build error. Look below.
import com.analog.adis16448.frc.ADIS16448_IMU;
bad class file: C:\Users\Judy.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\com.github.juchong\adis16448-java\2020.r2\447045ba25a29ca06c27c8a7b3b179eae1f6c9fb\adis16448-java-2020.r2.jar(/com/analog/adis16448/frc/ADIS16448_IMU.class)
class file has wrong version 57.0, should be 55.0
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
1 error
Compilation Error!
GradleRIO detected this build failed due to a Compile Error (compileJava).
Check that all your files are saved, then scroll up in this log for more information.
Hi everyone! The update should be live! Sorry for the delay, but I haven’t been able to get to a PC to build the release. The software on the maven repository should take care of a few edge cases and adds a feature to adjust the datarate if needed.