Adjusting Lifecam HD 3000 on Windows

I have been working on our vision tracking for this year and I got it working using GRIP, Opencv, and V4L2. Currently, I first adjust the exposure of the camera using V4L2 on my Linux laptop and then do the rest of the filtering with GRIP. After that I copy the GRIP generated file to a Rpi. Since the Rpi is a Linux computer it can apply the exposure settings every time it boots up.

I was wondering if there is any was to adjust all the same camera settings that V4L2 has, but on a Windows machine? I have looked for the Lifecam software, but it would appear that they don’t support it for Windows 10.

On Windows, I’ve found you can normally manipulate camera settings directly through the VideoCapture object in the OpenCV API. One example would be:

videoCapture.set(Videoio.CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE, val);

That worked for me back in 2016 for my Windows-based vision testing code using the Lifecam HD 3000 as well, hopefully it works for you too!

The settings are not stored on the camera, they’re stored on the system. So changing them on windows would have no affect on the rpi.

Thanks. I’ll try it.

I know that the camera will not store the settings. I want to be able to set an exposure value on Windows, apply the GRIP filters, copy over the generated code to the Rpi, have the Rpi set the same exposure value using V4L2 and then run the pipeline.

They’re not the same values either. Windows uses a different scale for settings the v4l2. So you do have to do that on the device. You can use the stream url it creates to set propterties on the device from the web