AdvantageKit Implementation Help

Our team recently made the descion to implement AdvantageKit into our MK3 swerve drivetrain in order to have a better time debugging issues after matches. Whenever I enable the robot, the wheels go absolutely haywire. I’ve faced this before, and usually it has to do with a invert on the motors or encoder, so I followed the YAGSL guide but none of that fixed it, so I’m kinda stuck with what to do right now, and I was wondering if anyone with more experience than me would be able to help get this up and running

Repository: GitHub - ultimatehecker/FRCMinotaurSwerve: Advanced swerve program that allows us to take advantage of AdvantageKit, a logging library

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It might be your conversion units or reverse power to the motor, try to disable the robot, and move each of the wheels manually and check if they move correctly and their offsets

Checked all of that, seemed to be fine