AdvantageScope Testing

Hello, I’m Brennon from team 599,

One of the things I discovered would help our team a lot is utilizing advantage scope once our robot’s CAD is finished in order to test how the robot’s articulated components can interact with field elements or visualizing our team’s strategy even before the robot is done. My question is, Is this something other teams have utilized in order to help their later subdivisions in testing early and are there any good resources to get this working? My experience with AdvantageScope is still new so if I perhaps have a misconception of it please let me know, my impression is that its a logging and visualization software that takes logs from wpilib or advantagekit or live data from the rio to display data or visuals.

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Our team has used a lot of WPILib Sim libraries to simulate our drivetrain and even our mechanisms to run tests so we don’t need the physical robot! If you accuratly make your physics sim, you can even PID tune with a skmulation! With simulation, as long as you have a decent idea of robot dimensions and weights, you’re able to test without needing the physical robot complete or even the CAD. Youre correct that Advantage Scope is just a viewing and logging tool, but its extremely useful for visualizing data. Id also reccomend going with their AdvantageKit setup for structuring code. Its reminiscent of Command-Based, but it seperates subsystems into multiple files for easy switching between modes such as simulation and real

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