Hi! I have looked up many examples of how to code an ADXSR450 Gyroscope. I have it connected to the SPI port on the roborio, and there is the green light to show that power is getting to the gyroscope. However, when I build and deploy my code to the robot and run the program, I am getting no gyroscope readings in both my gyroscope angle textbox as well as my gyroscope rate textbox in the SmartDashboard. If anyone could help, that would be great! Below, I have included my Robot.java that deals with the gyroscope.
We are also not able to use our 450 gyro even after the latest roborio image (v4.0) and wpilib (2022.3.1) updates, and auto or manual gyro calibration. The gyro GetAngle function (from Java) just returns a slowly changing value (~1 degree/s) which isn’t affected by the direction the robot is pointing. The jumpers on the 450 are as shown in the above image and the same problem exists on 2 different rio/gyro systems