Aerial Scout App

:confused: :confused: I was thinking about using this app at our competition at Orlando and went to their app support page: and downloaded their excel spreadsheet. The instructions are very good, but unfortunately I do not understand the “RANK DATA” page. It is saying to copy data from the team 2834 worksheet but I cannot seem to find that and dont understand what the page is for. Can someone help me? The website’s contact us doesn’t work and the phone number is just the high school’s number and I would not know who to ask for. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. :slight_smile:

This is Ed Law’s spreadsheet.

I’ll see if the author of 525’s spreadsheet can help - we just got back from Hub City so he may not have seen your post yet.

Thank you for your quick response! I have looked there but don’t see what data I am supposed to paste in :frowning: Hopefully you will be able to ask him? Thank you Myles