Age of Steam Board Game

Welcome one and all to Age of Steam!

The 2018 FRC season is fast approaching, but if you’re looking to relive some of the action of the 2017 season, then Age of Steam is for you! Containing over 300 real mechanisms from 176 different teams, Age of Steam is a board game that simulates the STEAMworks from the build season through competitions, including match play and alliance selection.

I developed Age of Steam to be a game that teams can play together or with others to introduce them to FRC. It can also teach some of the basic designs and what mechanisms teams built to address the challenges of the game. I am releasing all the files for it so that if others are interested in playing it, they may do so.

Here are the files for the game:

  • Rules
  • Cards
  • Field Board (I marked out zones once I printed it)
  • I just hand drew the the build season board, but this can easily be replicated with a 2017 calendar or drawing it yourself.

I made a game management system to help with keeping track of score. I can clean it up and release it if there is enough interest.

Game components:

  • I made the robot markers out of modelling clay, but they could easily be 3D printed.
  • Gears and fuel are represented by plastic beads.
  • Dice

I know this is really late in 2017, but other things have been occupying my time. I hope this is useful/entertaining for someone. If anyone has questions, I would be more than glad to provide further explanation.

This is quite neat. I might print this out and play with my non-FIRST family!

Super Cool! I’ll have to play this.

Some of the pictures look… familiar! :smiley: Glad the hundreds of pics I took could be of use!

After reading more into the rules I am liking this even more! It seems really realistic and perfect for new students to become familiar with mechanism terms and basic strategy and trade offs during build season.

It has the complexity of Axis and Allies though! :yikes:

Okay, this is really cool, it takes the nerdiest of my dreams and makes them a reality. I so badly wanted this to exist but I lacked the time/commitment to do it myself. Is there any way that you could release a template so I could make a few cards specific to my district? Or if you wanted help making a PNW expansion I could help supply some data.

I would love you (or anyone else) to help make some more cards. To make more cards, It would be easiest if you supplied the images in 900x600 pngs as well as a csv with the attributes.

This is an example csv that you can look at. It would produce the following image.

I am looking forward to playing this game! Would you be able to make the scoring system available for download?

I will consider it in the future, but it currently is kinda messy and not updated to the current implementation of the rules exactly. I hope that you can still enjoy the game!