Airbags = Legal??

I was wondering if airbags were legal? I couldn’t find it in the manual?
(I would fill them up with the pneumatics air compressor)

Thanks a million.


Such things are generally viewed as pneumatic devices, which mean they must meet all of the pneumatics rules–a bag inflated with air does not meet those rules.

Unfortunately when it comes to pneumatics and motors FIRST is very strict, so you can not use an air bag.

Thanks so much.

We are currently in the middle of a meeting and one of the design ideas incorporated an airbag.


Anish Simhal on behalf of team 1123

Sry as far as actuators go, you are limited to actuators included in the kit or on the “custom cylinder order form”. lame eh? See the allowable parts flowchart.

I’m actually just fine with not worrying about the imminent explosion of my alliance mate’s gim-crack airbag/PVC piston/polycarb volume tank/what have you. Compressed air stores a LOT of energy. And it’s rather scary and dangerous when something holding it fails catastrophically. So, mostly, no, I don’t think it’s lame that FIRST wants to keep us safe from teams that think they’re capable of building a piston instead of a time bomb.

There are lifting bags used by first responders that are rated for 125psi – twice the allowable pressure used for FIRST devices. These are manufactured by companies who know that their products are used in life-or-death situations, and that someone might be underneath the structures held up by the bags. They may be against the rules, but it would not be fair to imply that they are in any way unsafe, especially at 60psi.

It isn’t just first responders, it is also your local fire department. Go down there and they will have some lying around. They use the for extrication on vehicles. Very very handy when hooked up to a 2216 psi air tank. You know the kind of tank you wear on your back for going into fires. They work awesome.

**Think about that one have a tankw ith 2216 psi of air in it…:ahh:

It isn’t just first responders, it is also your local fire department.

Did I use the wrong term? I thought the fire department is considered a first responder… There is a difference, I suppose, between “first responder” used as a generic description of the first fire fighter/police officer/EMT/park ranger, etc. to arrive at the scene of an accident, and the official “First Responder” training and certification.

In any event, their lift bags come in sizes from smaller than a text book to really big.

talking about pneumatics . . . no pistons came in the kit . … . are they allowed this year?

you have to order the pistons you want. you get 3 free pistons from the supplier… see your manual for further help

When in doubt, follow the flow chart in the robot section of the manual.