Algae shooting footprint

It’s been brought to our attention that HPs could potentially not shoot algae and clog the processor so we’re considering shooting algae. Does anyone know of any teams (ri3d or otherwise) who have been experimenting with algae shooting? I think the biggest thing is to figure out how much of a footprint it would have on a bot. Thanks!

Worth a read, 2019 had VERY similar game pieces. I am not aware of any teams that shot off the top of my head (although if memory serves it could be done, only hatch panels could not be launched):

miniaturizing 254 in 2014 might be fun too.


5124 had a catapult for the Cargo Ship. IIRC it took up an awful lot of robot space.


Thanks for the link Eric, a rare archetype for sure, I didn’t know of any.

@theovandermarck check out robots with shooting intakes (get some of that shooter bulk out of the center of the bot). e.g shortstack

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