I belive that is also a new world record when you remove penalties
Edit: Yep Match 10 on Einstein was 182 when you remove penalties and 188 is the new record.
I belive that is also a new world record when you remove penalties
Edit: Yep Match 10 on Einstein was 182 when you remove penalties and 188 is the new record.
For anyone curious, 3536-5114-5166 scored the only recorded double harmony in Crescendo* in match 72!
*at least, so far
Congrats to the All-Star Alliance winners! 27-33-4362
Match archives are available at https://www.youtube.com/@FUNRoboticsNetwork/streams
Wording is a bit off in the insta post but first triple harmony AND 190 no penalties. What a crazy event
These are not FUN posts, but noted.
Awesome event that we were glad to be part of. I think there’s incredible potential for this in future seasons.
I realized I responded to your last post instead of making a new one but I didn’t want to delete and repost it lol. That’s mb I knew it was from Kettering
Are there any photos from this event? Ik some MI offseasons create an album.