All the CRESCENDO Resources

All the CRESCENDO Resources!

Check back often for lots of new stuff!

You all know the drill. Welcome to the 2024 FRC season, and this year’s game CRESCENDO!

This post is a wiki (meaning YOU can edit it), designed to bring together the best community-created resources for this year’s FRC game. As the season progresses, this list will get more filled up with relevant content. If you’d like to see content added, feel free to add it yourself, tag me in the relevant thread, or post it as a reply.

This post is not a place for official resources which can be easily found at nor is it a place for game-agnostic resources (there are too many to list!).

Remember, all of the following community-created resources could have inaccuracies or discrepancies. Always refer to the official game manual and Q&A for the most up-to-date, accurate information.

Game Tests/Quizzes

Author (username, name, or team) Title/Brief Description Format (Link) Thread
1678 Rules Test Request access via Google Form Thread
@ jaredhk Game Test Google Form Thread
302 / @ cstone921 Game Test Google Slides
@ Michelle_Pitre Rules Kahoot Kahoot! Thread
@ jdaming (Shorter) Rules Kahoot Kahoot!
@ rutmanz Rule Text/Number Flashcards Quizlet
@ mtomczak Editable flashcards Interactive webpage Thread
@ accidentalgenius Rules Quiz Google Form Thread
@ Arevan Driver’s Test PDF (Google Drive) Thread

Scoring Calculators

Author (username name or team) Title/Brief Description Format (Link) Thread
@ jaredhk Jared H-K’s scoring Calculator Google Sheets Thread
@ pev_vail Ensemble Ranking Point Configuration List Google Sheets
@ DAflamingFOX Excel Score Calculator for Crescendo Excel Thread
@ ohlin Web Score Calculator for Crescendo Website Thread

Cheat sheets, printable, strategy, etc.

Author (username, name, or team) Title/Brief Description Format (Link) Thread
Stratasys 3D Printable Field GrabCAD Thread
@ miklast Clean Field Renders Google Drive Thread
PDeGroot Slides of 2024 Manual & drawings Google Slides
GA Tool Team Cheat Sheet PDF Thread
@ Juniormunk 4K Top Down Field Image PNG Thread
@ Brendan_5162 Driver Rules Cheat Sheet PDF Thread
@ petercooperjr Quick Reference PDF Thread
@ antoineft/2609 1:24 scale 3D printable field CAD (Onshape); IGS (Google Drive) Thread
Dataset Collab/@ seanmabli 23,000+ Image Note Dataset Downloadable image dataset (COCO, YOLO, or TFRecord) Thread
@ _AD Printable Strategy Board 11×17 PDF; 8.5×11 PDF Thread
@ _AD Top-down Field Images Google Drive Thread


Author (username, name, or team) Title/Brief Description Link(s) Thread
Various teams Open Alliance Build Blogs CD threads; OA website Thread
@ geetwo 2024 Robot and Inspection Rule Changes See thread–> Thread
4533 Simplified Field Elements Onshape CAD Thread
@ CoreyBrown VR Field APK (Google Drive) Thread

Robot In Three Days

Author (username name or team) Title/Brief Description Link(s) Thread
FIRST Alumni of Grand Valley FIRST Alumni Network of Grand Valley RI3D Day 1 YT; Day 2 YT; Day 3 YT; Instagram Thread
Unqualified Quokkas Unqualified Quokkas Ri3D Twitch; YouTube; Instagram Thread
Big Sky Robotics Big Sky Robotics Ri3D YouTube Thread
University of Minnesota Robotics UMN Robotics Ri3D YouTube; Twitch Thread
First Updates Now/1741 Cranberry Alarm Ri3D YouTube (live); YouTube (explainer videos) CAD Thread
First Updates Now/Kettering University Bulldogs Ri3D YouTube (recorded); CAD (Onshape) Thread
Penn State Ri3D at Penn State Twitch; YouTube; Website; Instagram Thread
AC Robotics AC Robotics Ri3D Instagram; YouTube Thread
Killer Rabbits Killer Rabbits Ri3D See thread–> Thread
Ri3D MX Ri3D MX Instagram (en español)
Zoukeepers Zoukeepers Ri3D YouTube Thread
FIRST Alumni and Mentor Network at Michigan (FAMNM) FAMNM Ri3D YouTube; Twitch; Website Thread
Ontario Tech University OTU Ri3D YouTube; Twitch; Website
RapidUS Roboten100h Youtube (en français); Facebook
Purdue RI3D Purdue Twitch; Youtube Thread
FIRST Alumni of North Carolina NimBotics (SeQuEnCe Ri3D) YouTube Thread
9062 Robots Done Quick YouTube Thread
@ howlongismyname CAD in 12 hours YouTube Thread
Steel City Robotics Alliance Kitbot Improvements And Ri3D YouTube Thread
@ usymmij Western Engineering Ri3D YouTube; Instagram Thread
Bison Robotics North Dakota State Ri3D YouTube
CLC Raiders Central Lakes College Ri3D YouTube

Amazing!!! Thank you thank you for creating this.

Kinda slow this year @jaredhk

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Sorry. Japanese Rail Operator Says Sorry For 'Inexcusable' Departure 25 Seconds Early : The Two-Way : NPR


2024 FIRST Game Manual & Key drawings copied into PPT Slides to help for Strategy & Design.
Our team always pulls together this PPT to help with Strategy and Design discussions2024 FIRST Game Manual & Key drawings

I updated the GATool Cheat Sheet. Here’s a new link to go in the table.


Hi, all. The wiki keeps getting messed up when there is bad copy/paste happening, or trying to insert a table within a table. Extra columns keep getting added in random places which makes content much harder to read.

In fact, a whole section containing the Openalliance threads and some inspection resources were deleted and had to be manually added back.

I added the following notes to the original post. Please let me know if you have any questions. If you’re not comfortable editing yourself, feel free to tag me in content and I can add it.

Please take care when editing the wiki not to mess up the format

  • Do not copy and paste the table out of Chief, into a third party editor, and back.
  • Do not try to use the WYSIWYG editor to add a table or edit the existing table. It ends up adding a table within a table and overriding content.
  • Add new resources at the BOTTOM of a given section to maintain a clean edit history and properly formatted tables.

If needed, copy and paste this (replacing with your own data) to the bottom of any given section
|Name or team|Description|[Format](|[Thread](|

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The twitch stream is the wrong Link Twitch

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We need an upgrade to discobot for advanced tutorials

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Some updates!

Just a bump for folks who haven’t visited in a while. There are A LOT of new resources being added here every day. There’s some really great stuff out there this year!

And, some housekeeping:

-We’re up against a user tag limit per post, so I broke the tags and am now tagging with space: @ jaredhk instead of @jaredhk. Please continue this as you edit the wiki.

-You can be less careful with tables now thanks to @Brandon_Martus who turned off the problematic feature which I believe was causing bugs early on.

Someone else beat me to this, but this is done.

I have no idea what this means.

discobot is, I believe, a discourse integrated bot that helps you learn the forum through its interactive PM. There are 2 tutorials, the first one gets you the Certified badge, and the second gets you the Licensed.

The focus of the interactive PMs is to help users learn their way around the discourse forum, but table structuring isn’t part of it. All I intended was to play upon the post regarding table formatting and etc.

I’m not sure I understand the relevance to this thread, but cool.

Casually honored to have my kahoot in this list, thank you for throwing it together!

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Oh wow, thank you for this!

Amazing! Really thank’s for this site :robot:

Anyone have a old school paper scouting sheet?

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