Alliance Pairings 2022

If your team is an alliance captain, which of the following would be your first pick?
  • Arobot averages 8 Cargo in the High Hub per match
  • Brobot averages 16 Cargo in the Low Hub per match
  • Crobot averages one Transversal Climb per match

0 voters

If your team is an alliance captain, which of the following would be your second pick?
  • Arobot averages 8 Cargo in the High Hub per match
  • Brobot averages 16 Cargo in the Low Hub per match
  • Crobot averages one Transversal Climb per match

0 voters

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How much cargo would the traversal bot score? Also, could the other bots climb bar 2?

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The information given is match-complete.


In my head, I’m reading



My nightmare scenario for my first event is getting picked by a robot that takes ~90 seconds to climb for 15 points, and does virtually nothing with Cargo. It’s super reasonable a robot like that could seed 1st at early events, but I don’t expect a lot of robots of that archetype winning events as a captain.

I’m willing to wager that any team that averages 16 Cargo in the Lower Hub will be picking you, not the other way around.


I second this especially considering the almost guaranteed RP gain from scoring 16 Cargo solo vs having to have someone climb with you, if traversal, for the other bonus RP

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I don’t see how any of these are available as a 2nd pick at regionals… Maybe champs but still a stretch


All other things equal, a robot with some ability to handle cargo is a more versatile second pick. In terms of scoring, they can either get better at scoring with strategy / direction, help control game piece flow / movement, or play various forms of defense. A climbing only robot is likely to get all of its points, or no more climb points than a ball-scoring robot would - and its strategic options are limited to pushing-style and positional defense within the match.

That said, things are never, ever equal, so I think the optimal decision would be closer to an average points per match thing. It’s possible you’re getting consistently more offense out of the pure climber than you are out of whatever ball-control robots are left, and that could outweighs the ability to move game pieces around. It’s also worth noting that climb points are non-excludable - due to the limited ball supply, a second pick that is scoring its own game pieces could be taking scoring opportunities away from the main picks, whereas a climbing second pick is rarely scoring at the expense of some other robot on the alliance.

This is a good question for teams to think about. It will come down to how matches are played, I think.


Come to the Midwest where I have been able to get robots 2 & 5 on my scouting list many times from high seeds.

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Well, let me know in a few weeks if you get any of the above.


I broadly get what you’re saying (the scouting at Midwest is… suboptimal, at best), but I think it’s worth saying this: Robot #2 would be a top seed at many events. 16 teleop game pieces a match is ludicrously efficient, and it’s hard to imagine such a team not realizing that they could just buy an Everybot hanger kit to improve their robot further and get more RP.


Scouting at all midwestern regional events has historically been poor… it wouldn’t surprise me at all to be able to get a Traverse climber in the second round. Granted the Traverse climber will definitely be a lot less consistent than the prompt.

Crobot is my first choice, since a team that AVERAGES a traversal per match is probably doing other stuff too. Brobot is my second pick, because that MF’er is fast. That said, all of the above will be captains and not second picks


The transversal bot would be a great option as long as their climb doesn’t take so long that they can’t score very many cargo.

Whether it’s a team who scores 8 in the high goal or 16 in the low goal, that’s 16 points per match. The transversal climb is 15 points, meaning they’d only need to score one cargo in either goal throughout the entirety of the match to score a greater than or equal number of points.

Based on about a dozen or so test climbs, I’m certain it’s realistic for my team’s transversal climb to be around 25 seconds once we practice. We’ve kept it slow so far since we’re testing everything and still getting the muscle memory down, but simply turning up the motor speed will cut down a majority of the time.


So my options are:
A: 16 pts with 8 balls
B: 16 pts with 16 balls
C: 15 pts

From just the information given to me I would take the robots that contribute the most amount of points while utilizing the least amount of resources.


it’s not necessarily 16 points. We only know quantity of cargo scored, not when. 8 upper could be 16 points, but it could also be up to 26 (assuming a somewhat rare 5 ball auto and only 3 in tele). 16 lower could be 16 - 21. 15 points is always 15 points.

either way, max points or same points with fewer resources leans towards 8 upper hub


These robots are closely matched I would honestly be looking for more detailed information to make these picks

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Since the OP has clarified that these scores are all inclusive (ball robots don’t climb, climber can’t ball) I rescind my earlier choice. Then again, I’ve almost never seen a climber that does nothing else

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You don’t really. Your choice isn’t between robots here it’s between gameplay philosophies. If you have a firm grasp on how you think the game will play out you should already know which robot you would pick.

Maybe he’s just seeing those diamonds in the rough down at 43 and ranking them higher on his list.