Allocating 1.8GB memory.... problem?

I seem to have an issue… Our logomotion code, recompiled for this year, boots, until it tries to allocate 1.8GB memory:

  • Loading visa32.out: visa32
  • Loading niserial.out: niserial
  • Loading NiFpgaLv.out: NiFpgaLv
  • Loading FRC_FPGA.out: FRC_FPGA
  • Loading FRC_NetworkCommunication.out: FRC_NetworkCommunication
    FRC_NetworkCommunication was compiled from SVN revision 2923
    FPGA Hardware GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
    FPGA Software GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
    FPGA Hardware Version: 2012
    FPGA Software Version: 2012
    FPGA Hardware Revision: 1.6.4
    FPGA Software Revision: 1.6.4
  • Loading FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin.out: FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin
    FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin_5200 was compiled from SVN revision 72
  • Loading FRC_UserProgram.out: FRC_UserProgram
    …FRC_UserProgram failed to load.

Welcome to LabVIEW Real-Time 11.0rc14
task 0xddc4a0 (sysapi-rpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
task 0x11245b8 (FTP Server Connection Thread) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
task 0x11245b8 (FTP Server Connection Thread) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)

-> * Loading debug.o: debug
Debugging is up, target server mounted at /tsfs


Copyright 1984-2006 Wind River Systems, Inc.

         CPU: MPC5200 -- Wind River Lite5200 BSP.
Runtime Name: VxWorks

Runtime Version: 6.3
BSP version: 2.0/10
Created: May 27 2011, 11:02:24
ED&R Policy Mode: Deployed
WDB: Ready.

  • Loading nisysrpc.out: nisysrpc
  • Loading NiRioRpc.out: NiRioRpc
  • Loading nivissvc.out: nivissvc
  • Loading nivision.out: nivision
    NI-RIO Server 4.0.0b8 started successfully.
    task 0xe2ffb8 (NiRioRpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
  • Loading visa32.out: visa32
  • Loading niserial.out: niserial
  • Loading NiFpgaLv.out: NiFpgaLv
  • Loading FRC_FPGA.out: FRC_FPGA
  • Loading FRC_NetworkCommunication.out: FRC_NetworkCommunication
    FRC_NetworkCommunication was compiled from SVN revision 2923
    FPGA Hardware GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
    FPGA Software GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
    FPGA Hardware Version: 2012
    FPGA Software Version: 2012
    FPGA Hardware Revision: 1.6.4
    FPGA Software Revision: 1.6.4
  • Loading FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin.out: FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin
    FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin_5200 was compiled from SVN revision 72
  • Loading FRC_UserProgram.out: FRC_UserProgram
    Duplicate symbol:“main” loading module FRC_UserProgram.out
    WPILib was compiled from SVN revision 2993

Welcome to LabVIEW Real-Time 11.0rc14
task 0xddc440 (sysapi-rpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
0x111ce88 (FRC_RobotTask): memPartAlloc: block too big 1819043856 bytes (0x8 aligned) in partition 0x32d6b8

data access
Exception current instruction address: 0x000e6864
Machine Status Register: 0x0000b012
Data Access Register: 0x5a425443
Condition Register: 0x84000088
Data storage interrupt Register: 0x40000000
Task: 0x111ce88 “FRC_RobotTask”
0x111ce88 (FRC_RobotTask): task 0x111ce88 has had a failure and has been stopped.
0x111ce88 (FRC_RobotTask): fatal kernel task-level exception!

data access
Exception current instruction address: 0x00034b08
Machine Status Register: 0x0000b012
Data Access Register: 0xf0089cc8
Condition Register: 0x44444042
Data storage interrupt Register: 0x40000000
Task: 0x3efc80 “tNetTask”
0x3efc80 (tNetTask): task 0x3efc80 has had a failure and has been stopped.
0x3efc80 (tNetTask): fatal kernel task-level exception!
FPGA Hardware GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
FPGA Software GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
FPGA Hardware Version: 2012
FPGA Software Version: 2012
FPGA Hardware Revision: 1.6.4
FPGA Software Revision: 1.6.4

  • Loading FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin.out: FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin
    FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin_5200 was compiled from SVN revision 72
  • Loading FRC_UserProgram.out: FRC_UserProgram
    Duplicate symbol:“main” loading module FRC_UserProgram.out
    WPILib was compiled from SVN revision 2993

Welcome to LabVIEW Real-Time 11.0rc14
task 0xddbc60 (sysapi-rpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
0x111cf80 (FRC_RobotTask): memPartAlloc: block too big 1819043856 bytes (0x8 aligned) in partition 0x32d6b8

data access
Exception current instruction address: 0x000e6864
Machine Status Register: 0x0000b012
Data Access Register: 0x5a425443
Condition Register: 0x84000088
Data storage interrupt Register: 0x40000000
Task: 0x111cf80 “FRC_RobotTask”
0x111cf80 (FRC_RobotTask): task 0x111cf80 has had a failure and has been stopped.
0x111cf80 (FRC_RobotTask): fatal kernel task-level exception!

-> * Loading debug.o: debug
Debugging is up, target server mounted at /tsfs


Copyright 1984-2006 Wind River Systems, Inc.

         CPU: MPC5200 -- Wind River Lite5200 BSP.
Runtime Name: VxWorks

Runtime Version: 6.3
BSP version: 2.0/10
Created: May 27 2011, 11:02:24
ED&R Policy Mode: Deployed
WDB: Ready.

  • Loading nisysrpc.out: nisysrpc
  • Loading NiRioRpc.out: NiRioRpc
  • Loading nivissvc.out: nivissvc
  • Loading nivision.out: nivision
    NI-RIO Server 4.0.0b8 started successfully.
    task 0xe2f6f8 (NiRioRpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
  • Loading visa32.out: visa32
  • Loading niserial.out: niserial
  • Loading NiFpgaLv.out: NiFpgaLv
  • Loading FRC_FPGA.out: FRC_FPGA
  • Loading FRC_NetworkCommunication.out: FRC_NetworkCommunication
    FRC_NetworkCommunication was compiled from SVN revision 2923
    FPGA Hardware GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
    FPGA Software GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
    FPGA Hardware Version: 2012
    FPGA Software Version: 2012
    FPGA Hardware Revision: 1.6.4
    FPGA Software Revision: 1.6.4
  • Loading FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin.out: FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin
    FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin_5200 was compiled from SVN revision 72
  • Loading FRC_UserProgram.out: FRC_UserProgram
    …FRC_UserProgram failed to load.

Welcome to LabVIEW Real-Time 11.0rc14
task 0xddbb80 (sysapi-rpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
task 0x1113838 (FTP Server Connection Thread) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
task 0x1113838 (FTP Server Connection Thread) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)

-> * Loading debug.o: debug
Debugging is up, target server mounted at /tsfs


Copyright 1984-2006 Wind River Systems, Inc.

         CPU: MPC5200 -- Wind River Lite5200 BSP.
Runtime Name: VxWorks

Runtime Version: 6.3
BSP version: 2.0/10
Created: May 27 2011, 11:02:24
ED&R Policy Mode: Deployed
WDB: Ready.

  • Loading nisysrpc.out: nisysrpc
  • Loading NiRioRpc.out: NiRioRpc
  • Loading nivissvc.out: nivissvc
  • Loading nivision.out: nivision
    NI-RIO Server 4.0.0b8 started successfully.
    task 0xe2f898 (NiRioRpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
  • Loading visa32.out: visa32
  • Loading niserial.out: niserial
  • Loading NiFpgaLv.out: NiFpgaLv
  • Loading FRC_FPGA.out: FRC_FPGA
  • Loading FRC_NetworkCommunication.out: FRC_NetworkCommunication
    FRC_NetworkCommunication was compiled from SVN revision 2923
    FPGA Hardware GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
    FPGA Software GUID: 0xA14C11BDE4BB64AEF6A86FC52A294CD9
    FPGA Hardware Version: 2012
    FPGA Software Version: 2012
    FPGA Hardware Revision: 1.6.4
    FPGA Software Revision: 1.6.4
  • Loading FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin.out: FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin
    FRC_BlackJagBridgePlugin_5200 was compiled from SVN revision 72
  • Loading FRC_UserProgram.out: FRC_UserProgram
    WPILib was compiled from SVN revision 2993

Welcome to LabVIEW Real-Time 11.0rc14
task 0xddbd20 (sysapi-rpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
0x111cfc0 (FRC_RobotTask): memPartAlloc: block too big 1819043856 bytes (0x8 aligned) in partition 0x32d6b8

data access
Exception current instruction address: 0x000e6864
Machine Status Register: 0x0000b012
Data Access Register: 0x5a425443
Condition Register: 0x84000088
Data storage interrupt Register: 0x40000000
Task: 0x111cfc0 “FRC_RobotTask”
0x111cfc0 (FRC_RobotTask): task 0x111cfc0 has had a failure and has been stopped.
0x111cfc0 (FRC_RobotTask): fatal kernel task-level exception!

data access
Exception current instruction address: 0x00034b08
Machine Status Register: 0x0000b012
Data Access Register: 0xf0089cc8
Condition Register: 0x44444042
Data storage interrupt Register: 0x40000000
Task: 0x3efc80 “tNetTask”
0x3efc80 (tNetTask): task 0x3efc80 has had a failure and has been stopped.
0x3efc80 (tNetTask): fatal kernel task-level exception!

Any ideas?

Well, you should post your code so we know what exactly is allocating 2GB of memory. :wink:

our logomotion code, recompiled from last year:
It worked for us perfectly at the competitions, so not sure why its failing this year…

I looked over your code briefly and didn’t see anything that looks like it would cause the problem. For one thing you don’t do many (any?) manual memory/object allocations (so that rules out a lot of potential problems I was looking for).

I’d try putting a print in the first line of your robot’s constructor and see if the crash happens before or after that. Assuming it happens before your print, then you’ll probably have to start commenting member variables and their associated code out to figure out where the problem is. Nothing against ZomB but I’d try commenting that out first; maybe you need an updated version of it that is compatible with this year’s WPI lib? Or your code is trying to talk to an older ZomB but you’re linking in the new code? Just a guess.

ZomB I did remove, along with 99% of the code, just the joystick remainig, and it still crashed…

Minimal Test Case?

Edit: I mean, post it.

Ok, did you do the print test? Is the crash is before or after your robot’s constructor?

Not yet, I’ll try that on Monday. The really funny thing is I got it working last tuesday, and did not touch it after that, but on wednesday at the school open house, it started this issue