Allowed motors in 2011

I just understood today that I was reading the manual wrong.

I would like to check with CD that I am now correct regarding the allowed motors.

We are allowed:

  • 4 CIM
  • 1 FP
  • 2 right handed window motors
  • 2 left handed window motors
  • any combination of 4 banebots motors
  • infinity servos with up to 4 watts of power each.

Did I miss anything?


Any combination of the 4 types of banebots supplied in the KOP (and called out in the Manual), yes.

Also any motor integral in fans, as allowed in <R45-F>.

Question is about the allowed gearboxes. We have a number of older Banebots gearboxes that mount to the 540 thru 555 motors. These gearboxes are the predecessors to the P60 and were purchased in 2008. They were allowed last year for use with the FP motors (pinion changeout and trim the output shaft a bit).

Are the 2007-2008 time frame Banebots planetary gearboxes allowed for 2011?

Can those be adapted to the 775 motor or does that motor require a P60 made specifically to mount to that motor?

Thanks very much,

Dave R
Team 2165