Last night we found out that we will not be receiving our order from Banebots in time for shipping. This could potentially cripple our robot. We have designed and built our robot’s arm to be driven by the RS550 with a 64:1 P60 transmission and a 4.125 chain reduction. Without the transmission being available, we are now looking for solid alternatives.
Option #1: Purchase a FP Planetary adapter and an AM Planetary gearbox. Feed that into a Toughbox and then run it’s output through the 4.125 chain reduction. This will give us 33% less torque than the original design, but with enough surgical tubing will still work. The catch is paying for a second gearbox set up and rush shipping, as well as waiting for delivery.
Option #2: Go back to our roots and install the 2011 FP motor into a DeWalt transmission and then run that to the chain reduction. The result would be approx. 20% less torque than the original design, but most likely more reliable than the BB tranny. Add some surgical tubing and we are good to go. This will be virtually a zero cost option for us as we already have the parts.The only caveat is pressing the pinion onto the FP is always a risky proposition.
Are there any other transmission options out there that can be attained quickly and easily?
You could use the FP gearbox and a 2:1 reduction to get ~the same (2 and some change will give you the reduction you need). My brother posted a picture of a nice easy way of interfacing with the FP gearbox a couple days ago.
EDIT: There is the picture and description of the part. If you would like more details I have another 3 of those sitting in my shop right now and can measure them.
This was the first option we thought of as well. The problem is, with the design of our tower and arm, there is no location where the FP trans can go that will work. In fact, I even pulled out the materials to make the interface you mentioned Andrew, but without a location to mount the tranny, it really becomes a mute option.
Your other option MIGHT be to modify the FTC Tetrix motor transmissions to go on a FP or RS775/550. This will give you a decent start of a reduction but I would NOT trust it under heavy load.
If you have enough room for Option#1 I don’t see how you don’t have the room for a FP Gearbox and Motor. Please provide a picture of your assembly so we can understand the situation and provide a better answer.
Yep, this was the other alternative we were looking at last night. The reason we are steering away from it is only because we would like a little more speed out of the system. Yes, it absolutely would get the job done, but as you said, it will be rather tricky getting all the pieces to work together. It is on the short list if we bend the FP shaft.
Looks great. Glad to see another FP gearbox/775 combo. Our ran great all day yesterday at the scrimmage. We have ours (dual) currently running at 60% power.