AM-2971 Encoder Increasing Both Directons of Motor

So our motors are hooked up to the TalonSRX Encoder Breakouts, and the wiring is correct, but the encoder value we are reading on smart dashboard is saying the encoder value is increasing with both directions of the motor. Is there any reason for this?

Could you be more explicit with your setup? A particular configuration issue that could cause this is if you are using a simple (non-quadrature) encoder that cannot discern direction of rotation.

Can’t help with the error, but had a question about the AM-2971 (started a separate thread) … these AM-29** series motors are not on the legal list, and were we also hoping to used them. Is there some other location that lists these as legal?

Are you talking about this motor? If so, it’s an RS775 and is legal. It’s listed under the BaneBots line.

AM-2971 is the motor/gearbox/encoder assembly. The motor itself is the AM-2765, which is a legal motor per R29.