Hey all
I was just getting ready for our trip and was wondering if i should even bother packing my radio stuff so can anyone tell me if there are any plans for an amateur radio get together or if there is a repeater that we are all going to ues or whatever.
I know that something was planned last year at florida and i’d like to see something in houston this year.
Good Luck To All Teams
I tried last year and found I was so busy I didn’t get a chance. Ending up bringing my QRP setup and never took it out of my suitcase.
I’m already here in Houston (Hampton Inn). I brought my dual band handheld. Anyone know what is a good freq pair to use in this area? I’d like to hook up with some hams here.
Bruce C.
Team 647
thanx for the reply.
I am staying at the weston oaks and unforteunately did not bring my radio due to the lack of replys for this post but if u would like to meet up i’m a member of team 48 delphi ELITE.
I’ll make sure i have my radio next year.
Hey…I am in austin, but I frequent Houston. Just hop online to repeater.org and check the lsitings for Houston. By the way, what is y’alls calls signs? Good luck and I wish that I could have been at Nats…We are soo close…Oh well.
Bill B.