Amusing video:
they work pretty good until you hook the battery to them…
I think my cats would try to kill me if I made them yodel.
My favorite part has to be:
And depending on the number of cats you have there might be some social implications.
Just saw this. Oh man. Being a person who has always had a cat or 2… (or 20 at one brief point) this was a great video.
They forgot the disclaimer that Cat Yodeling attempts lead to scratches on your hands & arms that look like you’ve gotten into a knife fight. :ahh:
Oh wells. That’s the joy of having pets I guess. :rolleyes:
My cat is broken. He doesn’t yodel. He just lies there with a “Um ok whatever” stare when I hold him in the cat yodeling (aka “Baby Kitty!”) position.
He’s also a fan of corporal cuddling. Maybe he needs some rewiring…