has anyone noticed that this forum is unusually quiet for this time of year?
at this time last year we had like two or 3 threads going. Now, we have none.
What happened to the dreaded “water game” rumors and the speculation on unrelated videos and their relation to the next game (if that sentence make sense).
For me, half the fun of the game was speculating and waiting for it before kickoff.
so am I the only one who has noticed this?
or am I just crazy?
Waiting for the first game hint is driving me crazy. lol
It was fun to speculate about a water game during a drought because we all knew it was quite infeasible. Now many teams have been flooded at least once in the last year.
Plus FTC just kicked off, so alot of us are tied up with working on that.
But don’t worry, if the FTC game is any indication then FRC will be a bit complicated indeed, so we can speculate about what crazy game elements will be in FRC. After all, in the first 5 seconds of the FTC animation a robot flipped, showing exactly what FIRST expects from teams :ahh:
I personally blame FIRST for a lack of preparedness for national flooding. Had we particapated in a water game hundred’s of FIRST teams would have been more prepared with aqua-bots. Did anyone put any ringers to good use?
In all seriousness, this year should be a non ball game. Not likely to be tetras, boxes, innertubes,…hmmmm? I bet the game piece looks like a jax piece.
Seeing as how the new controller and camera have built in OCR, shape recognition and color recognition it will probably be more like large colored jacks each labeled individually with a name.
And just because I like to keep the rumors going, the cRio-9072/3/4 Operating Instructions and Specifications available on ni.com contains the following:
Special Conditions for Marine Applications
Some chassis are Lloyd’s Register (LR) Type Approved for marine
applications. To verify Lloyd’s Register certification, visit ni.com/
certification and search for the LR certificate, or look for the Lloyd’s
Register mark on the chassis.
No, that would remind us Michiganders of Traffic Construction season. We don’t need reminders of that. :mad:
Unless we get to run OVER the traffic cones, then it would be slanted towards Michigan drivers, we would just do what we normally do to them. That or cursing at them, its a sport up here to curse at traffic cones
(As a random aside, apparently the spell checker in OS X recognizes Michigander as a word… sweet!)
Object of the game is to find a retrieve cones launched into the playing field and stack them in your home zone. Bonus if you cover your cones with a large traffic barrel.
Format Change:
All bots at a regional play at the same time to truly get that traffic jam level of frustration. Matches extend from the typical 2 minutes to 20 minutes, but there will only be 2 minutes of moving spread out over the 20 minute period.:mad:
It wouldn’t be right to leave out the caution saw horse whose only purpose seems to be to partially block a closed lane, or rather, open lane, adding confusion when it is supposed to add direction and flow. The traffic flag laying on its side could add to the direction/flow/confusion/blockage - then the caution saw horse would serve its purpose, fully.