Analysis of variables over the course of Teleop/Auton

Hi guys,

I’m very interested in Statistics/Math as well as Comp sci, and I was wondering if there was any way for me to log data recorded from encoder values or the like during certain periods of the game. I can export values to a txt file, but are there any tools out there that I can use to create graphs, find averages, etc, over time without using Excel or Logger?

The only language I know proficiently is Java, and I’ve never really done much with Mathematica or Python, which I’ve heard are good.

Anyway, anyone have any suggestions?

Are you looking to do regression and trend lines, or just basic plotting? is a pretty cool library for drawing regression lines.

Just plotting so I can see if suddenly something went horribly wrong that we didn’t notice or so that we can diagnose the problem.

ex. joystick breaks and only returns values from -1,0.12432] and we think the robot is just being stupid and then we can see that joystick values suddenly plummeted at 1:45 into the match