Want to see what we did on the VCU party?
That was one of the funniest things. Much better then the juggler last year…
“Who’s shirt is this?”
YAY! Someone likes my picture!
I also have about 4 seconds of video of the water bottle melee.
PM me and I’ll try to figure out someway to send it to you, all 3.47 megs of thirsty goodness.
You didn’t like CHAINSAW!!
That was the best and can’t wait to see what they do next year!
My belly button is gone! GIVE IT BACK!
oh and how many fingers do you have? 11 or 12?
I don’t know, but I know how to translate Martian!
Being from a team that went to KSC rather than VCU, I think I speak on behalf of most of the FIRST community when I say…
What in the heck are you people talking about???
AT VCU there was a hypnotist for the team party, who suggested different things to people: It was freezing or the air was glowing, they were Martians and couldn’t speak English any more, they had no, two or more belly buttons, he was the sexiest person of the opposite gender of the world and so on. It was lots of fun to watch, especially when people fell to the ground sleeping or when they realized that they were wearig something that did not belong to them or that they were not wearing a specific piece of clothing (they were always completely covered, though). It was FUN…
I don’t think we can beat when Chris (the really tiny MOE guy) hid under the table from an alien. Nor when Matt heated up the dance floor with sexy robot dancing. Don’t forget, I’ve got 10, no 11, no 12 fingers…
Remember the “Asteriod will hit in four days” thing?
Well I found this today…
Asteroid Passes Near Earth
.c The Associated Press
MELBOURNE, Fla. (AP) - An asteroid large enough to demolish a city the size of Orlando passed within 288,000 miles of Earth without being noticed by astronomers until four days later.
The asteroid, about 165 feet across, came from the direction of the sun, making it difficult for astronomers to spot. It passed by Earth on March 8, but wasn’t seen until March 12 as it hurtled away.
Gareth Williams of the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Mass., helped spot the asteroid after it passed by. It was a close call in space terms. The moon is only 250,000 miles away.
``The key is to detect these objects before they come out of the (sun’s direction),’’ Williams said.
That way, astronomers can quickly determine an asteroid’s orbit and predict whether it will hit the Earth.
A similar-sized object flattened a 20-mile-wide patch of Siberian forest in 1908.
Do the math. March 4th was the party, passed earth the 8th.
PS. Wetzel, could you sent it to me? I sent you a PM.
Darn :rolleyes: hate that word
anyway, you guys are lucky, all we had was a DJ
That stuff actually works???
Sorry dude, the party was on March 8th.
Heh, at our KSC party there was some guy sleeping in the corner, and my friend decides to start dancing right in front of him. So this poor guy wakes up to people crowded around him watching some girl nearly dancing in his lap… he just looked confused for a few seconds and went back to sleep.
*Originally posted by AdamT *
**Sorry dude, the party was on March 8th. **
Sorry, your right. But that is freaky…
I saw you at VCU, can’t miss that hair…