Hi all,
Seeing that there have been many people asking me if I am indeed leaving FIRST, I figured that I would make it official and say my last few bits on the forum, where I have met many people and shared my ideas. So to answer the question of the many who have asked, why am I leaving? Well I have been around for 7 years, and in those 7 years many things have changed…to me, things are not the same anymore. I enjoyed competition when it was much smaller, and the games were more simplified. Also this year I sat up in the stands at the nationals and thought about my goals and accomplishments over the years, and realized that I have accomplished pretty much everything I wanted to do in FIRST and now its time to move on to accomplish something that I realize should take precidence over everything else in my life, I want my degree.
So with this, I give my last few thoughts…first of all I want to thank the teams I have been on, Gael Force and PARTS. These two teams are so different in style, but they share something in common, they each are composed of some of the most wonderful people I have ever known. Also a special thanks goes out to a team I feel like I have been a part of, CHAOS. You guys have really made these past few years alot of fun, its always a pleasure working with you. Finally, a big thanks goes out to everyone who I have met and/or conversed with on this board…you guys rule and made this game mean so much more to me than winning.
Of course what would a post from me be without some sort of strategic comment, so I just want to throw this out to the WPI people…congratulations…Battlecry 2 was the first competition I have ever been to, where I was totally stumped by the game, I still don’t have it figured out! But the defense was great, and im glad to have been there.
Well all, it was a pleasure, and who knows where I will be popping up in the future. After all, as one of the great students at Clinton High wrote to me, you can take Andy out of FIRST, but you cant take FIRST out of Andy.
Andy Grady
p.s. If anyone is looking for a play by play announcer for a competition in the New England area, drop me a line (hint hint Lori, if FIRST needs a regional announcer, I have references =) )
I went to high school with Andy and shared some classes with him… but hundreds and hundreds of hours of FIRST time with him. We worked together on controls (NEVER let Andy hold the soldering iron when your fingers are nearby, he shakes )… strategized together… and I was able to learn a lot because guys like him let me into the FIRST world.
But what I owe the most to Andy is probably the two years he served as my backup driver in 1997 and 1998. I don’t appreciate him being backup because it made me primary… but we worked so much together that he helped me improve my driving abilities more than anyone else in the world ever did. Many a night we spent trying to one up each other in our little driving games… he always forced me to do better and better. And we helped each other improve… knowing all along that someone who drive in competition and another wouldn’t. We worked together to get better and where my 3 years of primary driving are some of my proudest accomplishment in FIRST, I owe much of that chance to Andy for helping me get better.
So line up those chairs any day Andy, and I’m game for a little match. I’m still waiting for you to beat me (ok, so I know you did once, but you hit 2 chairs and I did it perfect… so I’m waiting for you to beat me on a perfect game!)… and the first aid kit will always be there for you when you get hurt.
FIRST will miss you. Thanks for teaching me so much, helping me so much, and being an awesome friend and kid!!
I’ll be there cheering you on the day you get that degree, because I know you can do it!! Good luck!!
I think Andy G is like many of us who stick around all year (reading the forums) you can not do just"a little" FIRST, it is all or nothing. I am at a point in growing up, where I do not have lots of other responsibilities. But, the college kids at school, the parents of young kids (Andy B), and the high school seniors who are also trying to work and save money for college all have to perform a delicate balancing act.
The good thing is, we know that they are still nearby. The friendships developed in FIRST will last far longer than any 2 minute match. I really do not think that Dean envisioned these friendships when he thought this all up 10 years ago, but they are really the root of the whole FIRST movement.
On behalf of the students on Team 126 for the 2001 season, I would like to thank Andy for everything he has helped our team accomplish. From Kickoff to BattleCry II, he has been there supporting us 110% of the time. His encouragement and expertise have affected us all for many FIRST seasons to come (and even beyond that!)
Andy returned to Gael Force this year as a college student, with his college responsibilities as well as volunteering to our team. He was at Nypro 24/7, working on mock-ups and designs, as well as strategy from day 1. When it came to competition, he was a driving force behind our strategic plans that won the UTC Hartford Regional. At the National Competition, Andy was there again with his Pit Strategy crew up at the crack of dawn to get to the playing field to start working.
Whether you realize it or not Andy, we appreciate everything you have done for us this year. Good Luck with college (and getting an announcing gig at a FIRST event!). Maybe you can still come and visit once in a while, we are definitely going to miss you.
As Andy B said above, don’t be a stranger. Now that you have plenty of time not doing FIRST, you can leave Harvard on the Hill and come visit us WPI folks sometimes on one of Worcester’s other fine hills. See ya at volleyball Andy, and goodluck with school.
Even though you are pausing for getting your degree, good luck in such a monumental feat, don’t say good bye, instead say see ya later. Take a break, you can come back after a few years. After-all, there is such a thing as a senoir thesis. What would you write about? I could think of one 6 week event. So at this point I say…