Anderson Connector 3D Model?

Does anyone have a 3D model of the Anderson Power Products Connector used for the robot batteries?
I’ve looked through the KoP CAD library as well as a variety of other places but I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Try the manufacturer’s site for STEP or IGES models of the SB50: SB Series

Mod Edit: 2020/10/03 - Asked to update link by OP for ease of access.
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Unfortunately you have to give them way more information than I’d like in order to create an account to get the file (phone number and address to download a CAD file? I think not). Don’t suppose someone has a copy they could just upload?

Here you go (I did not check it) (1.05 MB) (1.05 MB)

Ethically, I think it’s fair to meet an unreasonable request with unusable data. Actually, their lack of HTTPS and a privacy policy pretty much mandates that.

Given the purpose of the file, I doubt they would object too much to that course of action—and even if they do object, I don’t think it’s wrong. But they’re welcome to initiate a lawsuit if they think some prerogative to control the use of their CAD files is being violated.

Thanks, works great!