Does anyone have a 3D model of the Anderson Power Products Connector used for the robot batteries?
I’ve looked through the KoP CAD library as well as a variety of other places but I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Try the manufacturer’s site for STEP or IGES models of the SB50: SB Series
Mod Edit: 2020/10/03 - Asked to update link by OP for ease of access.
Unfortunately you have to give them way more information than I’d like in order to create an account to get the file (phone number and address to download a CAD file? I think not). Don’t suppose someone has a copy they could just upload?
Ethically, I think it’s fair to meet an unreasonable request with unusable data. Actually, their lack of HTTPS and a privacy policy pretty much mandates that.
Given the purpose of the file, I doubt they would object too much to that course of action—and even if they do object, I don’t think it’s wrong. But they’re welcome to initiate a lawsuit if they think some prerogative to control the use of their CAD files is being violated.
Thanks, works great!