I am in the process of creating an app for Android devices that will keep track of all of your teams scouting information. The app incorporates off device storage, allowing you to have multiple members of the team tracking data collaboratively with almost real time syncing. The app is currently in beta by invite and will soon be available to all teams. Being the first season of use, the app when it is released will be free to all teams, while in following years, it will cost teams $3 per license.
If anyone is interested in joining in the beta, please send me a message and I will send you a Beta Registration Key.
The app is currently available on the market at the following address:
Or by searching [RoboScout] or [RoboScout Pro]
Please bear in mind that this app is still undergoing testing and graphics detailing. If any user of the beta test can find a reproducible bug, their account will be granted a license that will last the lifetime of the account.
Thanks for your support.
~Matt Clark