AndyMark Harlem Shake contest

Hey FRC teams!

The last week of build season is a stressful time. We want to remind you to have some fun while you are building your 'bots, so we have a new video and contest.

Check out our AndyMark Harlem Shake video.

You can make your own “Harlem Shake” video, and upload it to YouTube as a video reply to our masterpiece. We will give 20 AndyMark t-shirts to the team who has the most YouTube views for their Harlem Shake video at the time of midnight, Eastern time, on Tuesday, Feb. 26th. Also, your video will only be eligible for this prize if there is an AndyMark and FIRST logo in the video.

Shake your 'bots!

Andy B.

Of course, after spending two classes over the last two days doing nothing but watching Harlem Shake videos, I was awaiting the first FRC-related one.

This is very weird. We just made a Harlem shake video yesterday! We will probably post later today or tomorrow.

Do we get extra points if we have someone who knows how to do the actual Harlem shake (popular in the early 2000s)?

Is cute baby eligible to win this competition? Her Harlem Shaking or “Harlem spinning around in circles like we’re playing ring around the roses,” is next level.

She has many stuffed animals that need AndyMark T-Shirts

OMFG (Oh My Funny Goodness), what a great idea!

Gotta love Andy wearing a red Frisbee. And I thought they were out of stock!

YES, you sir have made the best contest yet.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I cannot seem to find an AndyMark logo in the AndyMark video! While there is nothing wrong with this, it seems rather ironic. :stuck_out_tongue:

We’ll be filming ours tomorrow. Stay tuned for a link to the video.

I thought someone may mention this. That is a red disc from team 3940. I drilled a couple of holes in it, and added some latex tubing and a foam pad.

They are small, but we do have some showing on the white seat cushions.

Thanks for watching!!


So this is why our orders are taking so long to ship :wink:

We’ll (hopefully) be filming ours today. Great idea, AndyMark!

Ah, I see them now. Thanks for the fun video!

What have you done! I can see this happening all over regional and district events now.

What have you done! I can see this happening all over regional and district events now.

AndyMark has done something amazing.

Got to love a guy/cute baby in FL wearing a cheese head!

Every time I see it, I find something new that I hadn’t seen before. And I laugh all over again.

I’m home visiting/helping 1923 for Clarkson’s break, so I’ll make sure we get one of these done…

:slight_smile: Can’t wait to see all the different team videos!

I’ll bite: How did 4334’s bumpers wind up at AndyMark? Forgotten after IRI?

Hoping for some shirts. Here’s our entry:

Team 696 Harlem Shake

lol +1 for getting the robot in there.

Truck Town Thunder, FRC Team 68, took a break from building our robot to let loose a little. Thank you Andy Baker for the inspiration: