AndyMark products has been great. . .


I just want to show you the photo of one of our shop parents holding one of the wheel made by AndyMark at the Championship 2007.

AndyMark products has been so well made and better than other wheels we have seen in the past years. The wheels are so sticky that some of robots pushed us so hard that it pop that gasket out of the wheel’s normal mode.

Enjoy it! :smiley:

-Josh Simpson
Assisting Mentor / Media Specialist / Web Developer
Team Resistance #86

Worse than our AndyMark wheels. So far, we’ve broken at least two of their wheels already. No where near as bad as that, but in short, we would have to use lots of glue to hold our bearings in.:eek:

I’m not sure whats more impressive… the fact that the wheel hub popped or the care the mentor took in dyeing his eyebrows…

Haven’t I seen this somewhere before??

Actually the BeachBots went through a couple of sets of these wheels during BUILD on our pratice bot. We also broke a couple during competition on the real robot.

They have the qualities we wanted and are inexpensive enough that we pretty much regard them as expendibles. The fact that our drive train is set up for quick wheel changes might have helped in this. If it took an hour to change a wheel we might be more wary of using them.

I personally showed one of our broken wheels to Mark Koors. At the time it was the first he had seen. He was going to think about how best to fix the problem. He probably has it nailed by now.

Those are the FIRST kit of part wheels from Skyways, not AM.

I don’t believe that we ever broke a wheel, but don’t hold me to that. I know that we went from our amazing custom aluminum wheels to those because they actually worked better. :smiley:

Are you kidding me!?!?!? He had the solution before he ever made the wheel, he just didn’t want to use it at first because the awesomeness and perfect roundness of the wheel would destroy the world!

MARK MARK he’s our man, if he can’t do it . . . IT’S IMPOSSIBLE!

Wow… So does that mean they suck? Or are good?

Since when does something breaking show that something is good? Unless you’re selling wrecking balls…though I don’t complain about AM products. I’ve never had one fail on me that I can ever recall.


To be on-topic, we’ve yet to have any problems with our (modified) kit wheels. Perhaps the riveted-on nature of the tread provided a fuse of its own. (And we also didn’t do any daring fly-off-a-ramp-like-1902 moves. I imagine that helped as well.)

Of course they’re not the most durable wheels (they’re plastic). But at $12, you can afford to break them.

I know 111 and 330 broke a lot, but they just replaced them and If I recall right both teams were satisfied with the performance.

If your worried about breaking wheels you can always switch up to their performance wheels. Our robot saw just about as much abuse as one robot should ever see this season and the last thing we ever worried about was our drive train. ( performance wheels and a moded set of AM shifters )

I mean you are buying a $12 wheel, only so much performance you can get out of one, and especially with plastic molding and the manufacturing being so crucial it isn’t uncommon to see a small mortality rate. Regardless AM seems to do well in keeping this number low. From what I could tell the new kit wheels held up much better than previous years kit wheels.